16!Please Teach Us

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Ivanna's POV.
      My jaw dropped after hearing all about Char and Kevin's story. It was such a beautiful and sad story...but of course a happy ending...

    "They've not ended" Conscience corrected and I apologized to her.

   "So you guys are dating??" Mac asked and jumped on Char and settled herself beside her on the bed... We were in Char's room.

    "Nope...It's still a little too early for that... Things are still a lil bit awkward between us" she said and I rolled my eyes.

    "Nothing is ever awkward after an amazing kiss" I teased and she blushed...She's basking in love.. Awwn.

    "Yeah yeah and here you are with crap of a love life....All your friends are finding love with totally amazing guys but here you are crushing on a guy who's never gonna notice you....Pathetic Ivanna Alexandra Smith" Conscience said and I swallowed bitterly.

     Why does this crazy conscience hate me so much...How I wish I could kill it.

   "You'll have to kill yourself first...You know wadda mean?? Conscience replied and I shut her out.

    " why are you zoning out Ivanna?" Char asked and I shook my head.

   "I'm not zoning out...Did you say anything I didn't catch?" I asked staring at my two best friends who nodded.

   "Our Chemistry assignment... Have you done yours?" Mac asked and I rolled my eyes....the stuff's too hard...Gee!.

   "I buried my head in all chemistry textbooks yesterday but still couldn't solve it" I replied and they laughed.

   "You could have asked Dylan" Mac said and I laughed. Dylan Oh Dylan....He had almost broken my nose yesterday when I came back from bowling and pecked him on the cheek.

   "How dare you?!!!....I've been trying my best to stay germ free all week!!!" He had screamed like a lady who saw her hundred thousands dollars purse on fire.

    "I still have pride...I can't imagine going to my baby brother for help on an assignment.... We're not even in the same class" I said and Mac shrugged.

   "Doesn't matter... He might know it" she replied.

   "Wait guys....Is Dylan that brilliant?" Char asked and Mac and I nodded simultaneously like robots.

    "He's better than brilliant.. That dude is as brilliant as an alien......A Prodigy" Mac said and Char's eyes were filled with admiration.

   "Yeah yeah....It's not like he's so good" I said feeling jealous.... The look they gave me made me take it back.

   "I have an idea" Char said and we both looked at her with a "spill the idea" look.

   "JB might know it....let's go meet him to teach us" Char said and my eyes widened....No!!...I don't wanna see JB today...God No!.

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