26!I Can't Let You Be With Him.

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Ivanna's POV
   "No no no!....No more educational programmes in this house!" I yelled at Dylan and jerked the remote out of his hand.

   "Yeah, it just makes it more obvious that you're dumb... Stuffs like that hurt so I'll let it slide" he said and everyone laughed... Everyone as in Ivan, Liam , Kevin and Mac. Char was taking a nap at home.

   "Stop insulting your sister" mum said walking out of the kitchen with Lily beside her....Mum and Dad decided to adopt her... Yay!

   "Just pointing out facts" Ivan said and I kicked him. Why can't I be loved by my brothers the way I want to😑😑😑.

   "I'm watching musicallys" I said and Dylan gave me a death glare.

   "Not in this house" he growled and everyone sat watching us like we were acting a movie.

   "Let Lily choose" mum said and we all turned to face the little blonde whose cheeks were now pink.

   "I...I don't think that's necessary" she stammered shyly and it made me smile.

   "Oh No Rapunzel... Whatever you say is what we will do" Liam said and I gave him a disgusted look.

   "She's just thirteen" I said and he shrugged... Lily was about to reply.. Or so I think when Char barged in with swollen eyes.

   "Someone talk some sense into JB" She said and we all turned to her with confused look.

   "What's wrong dear" mum asked standing up to meet a devastated Charlotte.

   "Mum....It's... it's Jay, he's leaving" She said and I felt my heart stop. JB was leaving?.

   "What do you mean by leaving?" Kevin asked and Char gave him a death glare....they were presently having one of their cute couple's fight... Char had chased him out with a hair dryer.

   "Mummy....like I said....he's leaving me...for a month....he's presently on his way to the airport....I need to stop him" she cried and I felt my heart sink....

Its been a week since I saw him at the airport and ever since, we've never had an encounter with each other... I know I try to make him jealous by talking about mike whenever he's within hearing range and my best friends play along.

   "Why is he leaving?" Liam asked and she threw her hands in the air.

  "Business he says...but it's optional, he doesn't really have to go but he wants to... He just wants to leave me...Just cause Dad and Grandmama are around doesn't mean I don't need him"she said and started to cry. Kevin cursed and engulfed her in a hug...She didn't even bother to fight it.

   " Let the poor boy go...If I had my way I'd run away too" Dylan said and Mac hit him on the head.

   "I'll go talk to him" Ivan said standing up.

   "I'm coming with you" Liam and Mac said together and the three made their way to the door.

   "Ivanna?.... You're not coming?" Mac asked and I swallowed, my eyes went straight to mum's who gave me a reassuring smile.

   "You know you want to... Just get the hell out" Dylan said and mum went straight into the kitchen... A skillet on the way, trust Dylan to run away.

   I walked out in just pyjamas and entered the car.

   "You're going like this?" Liam asked and I shrugged.

   "Just drive" I said annoyed...That son of a gun!...What right does he think he has playing with someone else's feelings... Doesn't he know Char couldn't do without him?....Doesn't he know Char wouldnt be happy without seeing him?.

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