25! Ill Gladly Do The Letting Go

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Jb's POV
   I got to the airport boiling with rage...I had punched the steering wheel several times on my way here....

  "I've accepted Michael's heart and we make a lovely pair" Ivanna's voice played in my head and I gritted my teeth...How could she!

  "What is she...stupid?... You want her to hold on to a guy who's taken?" My subconscious said and I groaned.

  "Mr Evans Sir...The plane is ready, kindly give me your bags...Miss Alicia is already waiting" One of the staffs said and I walked over to the plane.

  Once inside I met Alicia sitting with her head on the headrest and her hair falling over her face, when she saw me she smiled....She's beautiful...yes very beautiful.. Even more than Ivanna but hell...I just can't stop falling for Ivy....

   "Hey....How are you?" She greeted hugging me....I hugged her back and took a seat beside her.

   "I'm Okay.  you look happy" I said noticing the cheerful smile on her face..

  "Nothing... I'm just glad it's gonna be just Us" she said and kissed me....I found myself willing to respond but I couldn't.... Her smile slowly faded away.

   "Are you okay?" She asked and I licked my lips.

   "Yeah...I'm good... Just a lil bit tired is all....and I feel kinda bad about leaving Char" I said half truthfully.

   "Come on baby...She'll be okay...I take it you haven't told her about the one month trip?" She said and I groaned..Char would go ballistic if she hears.

   "You haven't?....Wow...You should have, so she could have time to adjust" she said and I nodded. Char might never forgive me if I leave for a month but I just had to go.... I have to be there.

  "Everything will be Okay... I'm here for you" she said and kissed me briefly... If only I could love you the way you love me Ali....If Only my head wasn't filled with Ivanna....and that bloody puppet!.

    We arrived at the hotel and settled into the room... It was beautiful and the bed was big enough.

   "Wow....Nice view up here" Alicia said walking over to the window....It was overlooking a beach and my mind went back to the day we all went to tgw beach and a bastard had tried to hit on Ivanna.

   She was just so stupid... Who throws sand in open air?...what if no one was there, the asshole might have done something to her!...He might have hurt her....The thought of Ivanna getting hurt made me clench my fists and I regretted not punching that bastard...

   "Are you Okay Jay....You look angry... Don't you like the view from up here?" She asked and I swallowed.

   "Its okay.... I like it" I said and walked back into the room..leaving behind a confused Alicia.

   "Benjamin there's something going on......I'm your girlfriend, I think I have every right to know what's bugging you" She said and I exhaled.

   "Nothing...Nothing is going on Alicia... Its just Char" I lied and she didn't buy it.... Trust Alicia to have issues.

   "You're lying to me....What did I do Ben?...did I by any chance do something wrong to you?...Ever since we decided to start over you've been weird" she said and I knew she was right.... Right before we started over Ivanna was already stuck in my heart but I was such a fool not to have acted on it... Now she belongs to another guy...

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