14!Game On

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Ivanna's POV
    I felt someone sit on my bed and I opened my eyes to see Dylan on my bed,his eyes were filled with concern.

   "Hey" he said and I raised a brow and sat up on my bed.

   "Hey yourself...What brings you to my room?" I asked trying to confirm my safety,Dylan is very wicked.

   "You're safe actually.... how are you?" He asked and I smiled.

   "I'm fine... Why'd you ask?" I ask as confusion set in.

   "Yesterday Night.....You were normal" he said and I raised my brows again

   "You're dumb and crazy... But yesterday you were acting with common sense....I was worried" he said and I remembered last night.

   I had left immediately I saw Alicia in JB's hands,I felt very bad but I couldnt get angry at anyone but myself...I had acted weird yesterday...I didn't talk much and I had just left with mum immediately after the party even though there was an after party.....I had lied I had migraine.

   "Earth to Ivanna" Dylan said with concern and I hugged him.

   "Ugh!" He said and try to set himself free but I held on to him.

   "If you care about me just a little bit then just stay like this" I said and he stroked my hair.

   "I know you like him" he said and I chuckled against him.

   "Am I that obvious?" I asked and he nodded.

   "Told you you're dumb....you think I was joking?" He said and I pinched him, I was expecting my brother to get mad but he just laughed.

   "If he doesn't like you back then he's dumb....Although I rarely say this you're....... Amazing." He said and my eyes stung from tears.

   "Aww" was all I could say because I didn't want to cry in front of my younger brother. I might be a bimbo but I couldn't stand that.

   "It hurts right?" He asked.


   "Liking someone who doesn't like you back?" He asked and I laughed, I let him go and I adjusted myself.

    "Yep....It hurts so bad....its like you're seizing on oxygen but you can't even do anything about it. It doesn't have pills" I said and he smiled

   "Ugh love ugh!...I'on wanna do love when I grow up....I'm grown up already though" Dylan said and I chucked.

   "How about Lily?" I teased,I was expecting my dear brother to hit me but instead he just brought out his phone and started pressing it, then he handed it to me.

   "I can't read your chats" I said when I realized he had opened his WhatsApp chat with Lily.

   "I'm giving you permission... Here read it" he said and I licked my dry lips and took the phone.

{Me- Dylan}

Me: Hello Lillian.

Lily: Dylan?

Me: Yeah...How'd you know?

Lily: You're the only one who calls me Lillian.

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