23! Confusion Sets In.

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Charlotte's POV
    "She'll be fine Jay...She will" I heard someone say faintly... I felt a sharp pain go straight into my head and I groaned.. I felt a pressure on the bed and a sweet scent flooded my nostrils...This smells like Kevin.

   "Charlotte?... Charlotte are you awake?" I heard him say and I managed to open my eyes...I saw Kevin looking scared, JB looking Hyper scared and Alicia looking worried.

   "You're awake" JB said and I nodded faintly....

    "Mum's dead?" I asked again and JB licked his lips and kissed me on the forehead...

   "You'll be fine" he murmured and I felt hot liquid stream down my eyes. Kevin cursed.

  "Char please...You're just getting better, don't hurt yourself" he said and I just couldn't stop the tears...It wasn't a dream, it was actually reality....I would never ever see my mum again... She'd never be able to explain why she left me....or why she couldn't have allowed me to be by her side during her last days!....

   "She didn't want you to get hurt" the voice said and I shut it out...I just wanted to fall back into my solitude, into my state of unconsciousness.... Into a life where I just didn't know anything.... I wished for amnesia more than anything else in the world.

   "Leave" I said and everyone turned to me with sad eyes.  

  "Charl..." JB started to say but I raised my hands up to shut him up.

   "Just....leave....leave..everyone" I said and they all walked out...Yeah!, I am angry...at everyone and everything!... At Dad for keeping the truth away from me, at the witch for making my life hell , at grandma for accepting me, if she didn't accept me I might be in foster care and maybe they would show me more love than the witch ever did...maybe I would have a simple lifestyle without the drama....at JB for.....what for?...Jb has been the best thing in my life...Staying mad at him was useless but I was just mad...at him and everyone!.

   I managed to get up and I locked the door...Locked myself away from everyone and cried.

   I sat on the bed and placed my head on my folded legs when I heard banging on my door.

   "Go away!" I yelled and I heard the banging again.

   "Crystal eyes, its Dad..please open up" I heard daddy say And I felt so bad for making a convalescent go through all of this but....I just couldn't face him now... I might get so mad and say things.

   "Leave Dad....Just stay away from me" I yelled again with tears.

   "Best friend.... Please...this is Ivanna... Mac is here too...Open up for us please" Ivy said and I.buried my head in the pillow without saying a word. The banging and pleading continued but I turned a deaf ear..

Ivanna's POV.

   "Do we just sit here without doing anything?" Mac asked fidgeting beside me.

   "Where the fuck is the doctor and the spare key?!" JB yelled angrily and Alicia placed her hand on his arm....Amazing Girlfriend..

   "I....I shouldn't have said anything" Mr Evans said with a shaky voice and JB knelt beside him with eyes full of love and concern.

   "Dad please...Don't do anything that'll make you fall back into Coma....Charlotte will be fine" he said and his father nodded. I couldn't help but love the way he loves his family...at seventeen and very responsible.

   "Christ save my soul...Your Best friend is suffering inside and you're here loving how he loves?" Conscience scolded and I blushed in embarrassment.

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