01!Crazy Bunch

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Ivanna's POV
      "We'll get Chris Brown to come sing for us" Ivan said and I laughed and stopped abruptly.

    "When are you gonna wise up" I insulted and he rolled his eyes.

    "You were such a big eater during pregnancy Ivy....you probably ate his brain" mum chipped in and I laughed at Ivan's expression.

   Mum and I are partners in crime when it comes to dealing with the boys....in this house... It's a two against three.

   Mum and I against Dad, Ivan and my baby brother Dylan.....This house is the perfect definition of a mad house where the adults act like teenagers and the teenagers act like adults.

     "Guys...do you know the big beautiful mansion opposite us?" Mum said sitting on the bean bag.

   "Yep?" Ivan and I said together and then gave each other death glares.

    "Someone just bought it...." Mum said grinning making Ivan and I share glances...."So what?" I said mentally but Ivan said it in the real world.

   "They have a son about your age.....and oh my God!, he's so cute....no sexy is the word for him" mum said and started jumping around with her hands dancing in the air. I face palmed.

   "Don't tell me you're leaving me for some Teenage boy" Dad cut in walking into the room and he carried mum bridal style causing mum to scream like a kid.

   "Awww....Darrell stop being so cheesy" mum said in a baby voice and Ivan and I shared glances.

   "Stop acting like you guys are thirteen" Ivan said and Dylan walked in crossing his hands over his chest.

   "Whats wrong with thirteen year olds.....they are not as dumb as this" he said and we all burst out laughing.

    "You guys don't know what love is" mum and dad said together... This made them giggle at each other and kiss like kids.

   "If love makes you stupid.... Count me out!!!" Dylan screamed and walked to the door.

   "Where you going Dyl?" I screamed after him and he stopped and turned...he gave me a look only someone Thirty years older than you would use.

    "Did you really have to scream?....God what did I do to deserve falling in this family" he said looking up at the ceiling and our folks giggled.

   "You must have saved a world in your past life" mum said and he exhaled pitifully and shook his head.

   "More like wiped out the world....I'm suffering for it" he said and we all started laughing.

   "You going on a date?" Ivan asked and Dylan gave him an evil eye.

   "Only if she's your girl" he said and walked out...and that,is the most mature person in our house.

   Mum and Dad took a seat beside each other on the sofa and picked up the list of what we need for our birthday coming up this weekend.

    "I'm gonna go over to invite the boy living next door" mum said and I screamed No....reason why?...I don't know.

    "Why?" Mum asked and I shook my head as I sat up straight.

   "Nothing....we don't even know him....what if....he's a serial killer?" I asked and Ivan face palmed.

    "If only you're the victim" he said and I kicked him off the chair and he landed on his hand...He let out a girly scream and I couldn't help but laugh... And in so doing I doubled over and almost broke my neck.

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