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Ivanna's POV
   "Why do I think its so cute?" Mac said grinning after I explained everything to the duo.

   Its not cute Damnit!...The bastard made it practically impossible to get over him.

   "He's been acting weird lately...and overworking himself....I only saw him twice yesterday and this morning... With a scowl" Char said and my heart tightened.

   "Yes my dear Ivanna...it is exactly what you're thinking...JB regrets ever kissing you...aww" Conscience said and I ran the tip of my finger over the rim of my glass.

   "Ivanna?...are you okay?" Mac asked and I shrugged and gave a small fake smile....What the hell happened to me?!...where did the cheerful playful Ivanna Smith go?...I don't wanna be miserable!... I refuse to be miserable.

   "Let's go get ice cream!" I said acting all bubbly and their eyes widened.

   "You totally declined ice cream and decided to go for a smoothie....What changed?" Mac asked and I shrugged.

  "My mood?" I replied in a questioning tone and stood up,Mac did too but Char was on seat.

   "Char let's go" I said nudging her and she looked at me with sad eyes which became blank immediately.

   "Where to?" She asked and I knew she wasn't paying attention. Mac and I sat back down and stared at her with concern.

   "Kevin?" I asked and she smiled and shrugged me.

   "Nothing really" she said and I raised my brows while shaking my head.

   "What in the world does the word " Best friend " now mean?....I think it should be about people telling each other everything... Every single thing....without holding back any details....You know everything going on in my life...so why are you holding yours back?" I asked almost angrily.

   "I....I'm sorry" she whispered and a tear dropped from her eyes...My heart Sank and I stood up to go hug her.

   "Its okay to cry Char....what are our shoulders for" Mac said and with that she broke down. I watched my second best friend in the world cry her heart out for good five minutes. When did things get so bad?.

   "I'm..sorry I'm being such a cry baby" she said using a tissue I handed her to dab her eyes.

   "Its cool" Mac and I said together and we smiled and jinxed.

   "Tell us what's wrong Charlotte" Mac said and Char nodded.

   "JB's mum is back" She said and we gave her a look of confusion... Like "so what?"....She laughed humorlessly.

   " Here's the thing....My Grandma said my mum and dad were very much in love but they couldn't happen because dad had to marry a woman of his dad's choice....Jb's mum.......They got married but....dad was still seeing mum...which resulted into me......
     She said one day dad just came home with me in his hands...I was around six months.....he broke the news that I was his daughter and JB's mum went ballistic.... She hates my guts and hates grandma more for accepting me.....Life's been hell with her...she's a typical witch" She said and my eyes widened.

   "What....what about your real mum?" I asked and tears clouded her vision again.

   "I...I don't know....I've been searching for her for the past two years but still nothing....she keeps moving around the globe....she doesn't want to be found....She doesn't.... Wanna have anything to do with me" she said crying and we hugged her again.

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