20!Date...or Dates?

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Ivanna's POV
    I got into black leggings and an abnormally short pink gown. I left my hair flying around but not after washing it so bad I thought it would turn into liquid. Bless Gee for School Renovations... I love Free Days!....Durh,who doesn't.

   I applied black mascara...with great care, I applied to each and every single lash....then I went down to my lips and applied lip liner and pink lipstick. I applied a little bit of blush and another powder to make the make-up lit!

   It was simple but very pretty, I smiled at my handiwork and I slipped on a pair of black sandals that Mike gave me for my birthday gift. I wanted him to know I never took him or his gifts for granted.

   To be honest, right now I didn't know who my heart belonged to. I didn't know if it was JB,the coldest guy I've ever met but still his kiss still keeps ringing in my head and I keep wanting more or Mike who I've spent half of my teenage years crushing on like eff.

   My phone beeped and I picked it up...it was an unknown number.

   "Its Mike... Got your number from FB so don't ask..Come down, I'm in front of your house." He said and I laughed.

   "In a min" I said and cut the call. I carried my strap pink bag and ran down the stairs. I already told mum and dad where I was going the day before. Ivan was with Mac and Dylan went to the library to stuff more books into his tiny head. I locked the door with my spare key and walked out the gate.

  I met no one there and I was about dialling his number when I heard the sound of a bike. I smiled when I saw him on a jet black and red beautiful Power bike. I fell in love with it immediately.

   "Like what you see?" He asked as he removed his helmet and ran his hand through his hair.

   "Love" I said and he grinned sheepishly handing me a red helmet.

   "The feeling is mutual... I definitely love what I'm seeing...You look awesome" he said and I blessed God for the helmet over my head or he would have seen how pink I'd gotten.

   "Climb up Ivy...or you want me to chain you to the wheels?" He asked and I laughed and climbed up. I held him by the waist and like Flash,the bike sped off.

   After about thirty minutes we were still on the way and I could swear I was on the verge of puking.... The asshole was speeding like a race god....with my life at stake.

   Fortunately for me,he stopped the bike and I got down...my legs felt wobbly and I wanted to fall but His hands steadied me.

   "Easy timid Ivy" he said and I hit him on the head but unfortunately it was the helmet my hand hit and I groaned in pain.

   "Still the Clumsy Ivy??....Awesome" he said and removed the helmet. I gave him mine too and I was about walking in when the place we were hit me and I stood there with dropping jaws.

   It was the new Charity center that was built by some organisation in honour of orphans since the man was also an orphan.

   "This not where I'm taking you to....I just wanna make a quick donation then we can get going.... Don't look so scared" he said with twinkling eyes and I shook my head.

   "No...I love it here" I said and he looked at me with raised brows.

   "You wanna come in with me?" He asked and I nodded like a kid who's been deprived chocolate for years and got the offer for one.

   "Go easy on your neck sweetheart.. Let's go then" he said and I smiled. We walked in together and we saw kids running around.

   Some were busy playing,some were reading,some were just sitting without doing anything.. Then my eyes went to one, He had a tear stained face and he looked scared. He had scars on his arm and his eyeballs were red. He looked about five or six.

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