21!I Kinda Maybe Really Do Like You.

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   "What's wrong JB?" Ali asked and I shook my head and muttered "nothing".

   No really, What's wrong with me.....Why is seeing Ivy kissing another guy making me so mad, why do I feel like punching that son of a bitch. Ivy likes me and me only!.

   " I know how much you hate PDA but...this is someone else's life". Alicia said laughing.... Is this funny?.

   I didn't even want to see her, I had been kicking myself over and over for following instincts and kissing her...but as much as I hated to admit it ,I wanted more of her.

   Maybe It was the way her smile made me feel, maybe it was her optimistic and cheerful attitude to life ,maybe it was just her strikingly beautiful face...or her beautiful heart.

  I had seen the way she talked to Emery and even the boy had fallen for her charms...She had that personality that makes people just really love her....Love her?...Hell No!

What did I just think?...I do not love Ivanna,why would I love any girl when my dad is dying... I'm not even allowed to smile, I'm not allowed to be happy until dad was back on his feet.

  I dropped Alicia at home and drove to the hospital...With a heavy heart I walked into his room and sat beside him. Lots of wires were passed from his head to his toe....What could have made him like this?..

  Why does life have to be so fucked up, why can't things just be perfect for me the way they are for Ivanna..I'm so jealous of her life, she had her dad and mum, who are so much fun, her brothers who are just the same as her....but smarter and more sensible.

   I spent thirty minutes just staring at dad without saying anything. I brought out my phone and dialed Liam's number.

   "Wanna go get a drink?" I asked and he laughed.

   "What's funny?" I asked scowling at the air.

   "I was just asking Kevin the same...Sure, where do we meet?" He asked.

   "Pears....See you in thirty" I said and cut the call. I just wanna go get drunk and forget everything!.

Ivanna's POV
    I slumped on my bed and just closed my eyes. Today was supposed to be about Michael And me....I was gonna use today as my means of escape from thinking about JB but unfortunately it had been all about him....and of course Emery.

  The thought of Emery made me smile and tears dropped from my eyes at the same time. My phone beeped rapidly and I did not need anyone to tell me it was the crunk girls I call my best friends.

Char: How did the date go?

Mac: How'd it go?...Are you back or still there?.

Me: I'm home... It was okay.

Char: Okay is no way to describe a good date with your long time crush

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