11!Fuck You!

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Ivanna's POV
    "What the fuck happened?" He thundered and I shivered slightly.

    "JayBee...I'm sorry" Char said avoiding his gaze... His eyes was filled with relief, concern and anger.

   "Is this how you started throwing fits about my travelling?... Why Charlotte?,when did you become so unreasonable?" He said angrily and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

   "Hey....I...I apologized already!.... This is all your fault JB!....You shouldn't be carrying so much responsibilities... You don't even get to live like the teenager that you are.....Live for yourself!" Char responded with anger. I just stood there looking like a dummy head.

   "I...I am doing this for you Char... For us.... There's no one else to do it .....Dad has to be proud of us..... I have to take the company to the top!" He explained and I felt for him....So much responsibilities for such a young boy.

   "Someone will do it if you don't!" Char snapped angrily.
   "Is that why you tried to kill yourself?... Are you that daft?!!!....anything could have happened to you out there Charlotte... I could have lost you stupid!" He said with concern.

   "I...I forced her to do it" I croaked out and they both turned to me with wide eyes... One was filled with shock and concern.... The other was filled with shock and anger....I don't have to tell you the owners of the wide eyes...

    "What?... Ivy are you crazy?" Char whispered and I smiled.

   "Come again?" JB said angrily and I swallowed and raised my chin up with confidence... 

   "I asked her to do it....She was so bored and down cause of your silly ass....do you know how much relief racing brings?... It makes you feel light headed so I asked her to race" I lied and I saw sheer and raw hatred shining in his eyes.

    "Are you insane?.....how could you?,who gave you the right to just act as if you're family.... Are you trying to transfer your stupidity to her?" He asked and I felt very very bad.

   "JB stop!" Char screamed at him but he didn't answer... He kept insulting me and saying things that cut deep into the heart.

   "Fuck you!....Char I feel so sorry for you....it must be hard having a dickhead of a brother!" I said and he laughed humorlessly.

   "I feel bad for your brothers too....Living with a bimbo can be very frustrating" he said and my hands itched to hit him on the face.

   "Yeah...but at least I care about them....at least they see me on daily basis.... Even if I am so stupid,calling me stupid would be an insult to stupid people, I still hear all about their days and I tell them about mine" I retorted and Char gasped....His eyes turned icy cold and my heart beat increased...

    "Who the hell do you think you are to say things about my family... I care about my family and I'm not going to explain my reasons for not being around to a stupid nobody like you!" He said and I moved back with wide eyes.

   "Char.... I'll see you tomorrow" I said and walked off.

   "But Ivanna... How are you gonna get home?" Char screamed after me and I stopped and turned.

   "I'll get a cab... Don't worry" I said and she opened her mouth to say something but I ran off.....

      I was making my dramatic exit.... In Your Face Jay Evans!.....or so I thought.

      "Ivanna you're so stupid.... You're the most stupid creature on earth.... Even a brainless corpse is smarter than you" My conscience insulted me for the umpteenth time.

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