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Ivanna's POV
     "Your cloth is too long!" Dylan complained for the umpteenth time...this is what happens when you have a thirteen year old as a date...Unlucky me.

   "And how is that affecting you Dylan?" I asked applying my mascara.

   "Its annoying... I hate it!" He said and I groaned as I threw the mascara in my silver clutch.

   "Gosh Dyl!...is this because you don't have Lily as your date?" I teased and his ears turned pink.. Gotcha!

   "Say one more word about her and I'll ruin your pretty face" he said and I grinned sheepishly.

   "Aww...so you acknowledge my beauty...yay Me!" I said buckling the strap of my silver heel.

   "Kids!...its time to go!" Mum screamed and  Dylan ran downstairs. I quickly buckled the straps and guided gently down the stairs...Mac was the one who did my hair but I did my make up for me since Lillian was too busy.

   "Wow...I gave birth to an angel" Dad complimented and I blushed

     "You look like you stepped out of a magazine" Dyl said and I smiled.

   "Of number one to ten ugliest people in the world" he completes and everyone burst out laughing.. Even Mac!!....I gave him a death glare.

   "Come on Dylan...Stop insulting your sister" Mum said and I grinned.

   "He's just pointing out facts durh...You go brother!" Ivan said and pumped fists with Dylan... The only time those two get along is when they are insulting my life.

   "Fuck you" I said and we headed to the door,just as I was about stepping down from the porch, something hit my head.

   "Jeez!!" I turned to see mum with a skillet in hand!!... Gosh.

   "Touché!" She said and walked back in to drop the skillet....My night started to go wrong this early?...Christ Save My Soul.

    We got down in front of the luxurious 5-Star hotel and proceeded....We kept stopping to say hi to everyone since mum and dad were pretty popular in the business world....

   "Beautiful girls you've got here" A man named Mr Alvarez complimented and Mac and I thanked him.

   "Thanks Mr Alvarez" We said courteously and Dylan snorted...luckily Mr Alvarez didn't hear.

   "Don't let me keep you outside...We'll talk later,you can head in now Sir and Ma'am" he said and pecked mum then shook dad before we entered.

   "When I get married... No man, I repeat no man would Peck or hug my wife" Dylan said annoyingly.

   "Marry a troll then....I swear to you no one will come near her" Mac teased and he just eyed her.

  "Mac....be warned!... I don't care if you're my brother's girlfriend.... I don't even get why you're dating the dick head" he grumbled.

   " You'ld rather I date you?...Oh my gee Booboo....Someone's been crushing on me" Mac teased again...They love making each other's lives hell.

   "I'd rather crush on a troll with two pair of eyes,two pair of hands and one leg!" He said and I chuckled.

   "Kids stop the dissing!" Dad cautioned and we changed back into the normal social people that we aren't.

   My phone beeped,so also Mac's,without a doubt we knew it was a group message.

Char: Where you girls at?

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