05!Hello Neighbour

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Ivanna's POV
I walked into my room and slumped on my bed and Bang!, I found myself on the floor... My mum and Dad came into the room grinning.... Of course it was their work.

"Now what?" I asked and Dad smiled as he extended a hand to pull me up... I took it and just as I was about to raise myself... My awesome Dad decided to let go of his grip on my hand.

Note to self- Confirm birth relationship with a DNA test later.

"Dad!!!!" I screamed in pain as he and Mum laughed heartily.

"Awesome... Muah" mum said and gave Dad air kisses..... I wanted to pull their hairs out and roast their laps.....why did they have to be home so early.

"What did you guys do to my bed?" I asked and he was about to answer when Dylan's scream interrupted us.

"Nooooooooooooo!!!!!.....Aaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh!" He screamed in a high pitched voice and we all ran into his room.....Inside was my brother crawling out of the bathroom with red face.

"Who the fuck added pepper to my body spray?!!!!" He asked and our parents high fived.

"Dad?,mum?....why?" He asked in anger and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression..... What a crazy family..

"Okay so, I'm gonna kill you......" Dylan was interrupted by a scream.....which of course was from Ivan... I couldn't help but laugh.... Couldn't wait to see the prank Mum and dad made.

"Ivanna!!!!!!" He screamed and I heard loud footsteps... Why me?...I'm not the kid in the family. Ivan walked in and even scowling Dylan entered fits of laughter...I laughed so hard I had difficulty breathing..The dude had yellow hair!.

"Ivanna... I'm gonna murder you!" He said and charged towards me. I pushed him off of me while still laughing.

"Dude... Face the kids in this house" I said and Dylan grinned.

"Big bro....Big Sis doesn't have the brain to even prank a roach" Dylan said and I threw the nearest stuff at him..GodHelpMe it was his so so cherished Perfume.

"I'm gonnaaaaa murder someonnnnnnnnne" he screamer charging at me but luckily Dad held him from the back. The awesome fragrance filled the room and I couldn't help but smile.

"Dad,she's smiling.. Let me kill her!" Dylan screamed kicking his legs in his air cause Dad has lifted him off the ground.

"Someone pay attention to me!.... I'm.going on a date tonight!... I can't do that with yellow hair!" Ivan screamed and I remembered the date with Mac...#Burn!.

"Ode Gucci Bruva" I mocked him and he growled in anger.

"You can always use a beanie.....wait!,a date?....But we already have an appointment" mum said and we all looked at her with questioning eyes.

" when?
"Hell no!" We all screamed in order of our age... By putting myself first and Dylan last...

Mum knocked Dylan on the head for using a curse word before turning to us with her hands on her hips.

"The new neighbour I was talking about.....I met an Old lady there...she's so warm and caring.....and she's very famous in the business world....Mrs Chloe Evans" Mum said and my jaw dropped.

"Evans?" I asked and Ivan started to laugh at my expression... It was worth laughing about though.

"What's the laughter all about Ivan?" Dad asked and Ivan swallowed and started to laugh again.

"Evans....That must be the grandma of the guy you fell for" Ivan said and everyone turned to face me. Mum was surprised, Dad was confused and Dylan was....well...disgusted.

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