07!Why Me?!

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Ivanna's POV
     I woke up with a killer headache,as I made to sit up I rolled off the bed and landed with a thud.

    "fuck!" I screamed and angrily stood up...I barged into the bathroom,did my thing and stepped out in my pyjamas.

   I walked downstairs and met Dylan with a popcorn in hand sitting in front of a TV...Bless God its Saturday.

   "Whoever eats popcorn very early in the morning" I said taking a seat beside him, he just rolled his eyes and threw two popcorns into his mouth.

   "Whoever gets drunk and her body gets delivered home in the evening" he said and my eyes widened. Drunk?.

   "P.S Sis....its not morning.... Check the time" he said and I looked up at the wall clock... My eyes widened when I realized it was 1:35 pm.

   "Shit!" I muttered and mum stepped out with a skillet ...there was no use running so I just sat there and got hit with the skillet thrice....THRICE???!!!!.

   "Why thrice mama?" I asked and she placed her hands on her hips.

   "One for getting drunk and two for cursing twice....you cursed in your room" she said and I remembered screaming fuck....

   "I got drunk?.... I don't remember anything from yesterday" I said and Dylan shrugged as he popped another popcorn into his mouth

    "It's not surprising.... Even without an hangover your memory capacity isn't anything to write home about" he said and I threw the pillow at him.

   "Burn!!!!!" Ivan screamed running down the stairs.... His brown hair was back already.... He took one of Dylan's popcorn and Dylan punched him in the stomach.

    "Go easy on me lil bro" he said groaning in pain....I couldn't care less about their stupid acts.... I had gotten drunk yesterday.... All I remembered was being a model for Char and pouring myself a glass of wine.

   I took out my phone and texted Charlotte with immediate effect.

Me: Wake up!
   (Five minutes later)
Char : I'm awake durh!.....Any Hangovers??😆😆.

Me : Memory loss....Care to help out a best friend??

Char : 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Me : Charlotte Evans!!!

Char : Sorry... It's jst dat I'm watching duh video again.

Me : wat video?😨

Char : Your Crunk Video.....Lmao....You created a scandal yesterday.

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