he still loves her.

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Sunday, September 1st.

I was sitting at the library desk thinking about her. I knew exactly what to do. I pulled out a piece of lined paper and a pencil I began to write.

I know we haven't seen each other, or talked with each other in a long time. I've been doing too much thinking lately. I want you to know that I miss you.

It's so odd to think someone I knew so well is now a memory to me. Just a memory. I think of you everyday. The weight of what we lost crushes me.

Every part of me wants to see you again... hold you again... and just kiss you again.

I don't regret our relationship it was the best thing that happened to me. I don't regret falling in love with you. I actually fall in love with you over and over and over again.

I forgive you for leaving. I know it wasn't your fault. I know I will always love you, I will never move on.

love Farkle.

I folded the note up and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Zay.

"Ready to go buddy?" He asked with a smile. I nodded and stood up. "I'll be at the car in a second I have to do something."

I nodded and walked out to his car.

[Isiah Babinaux]

Farkle walked out of the library. I picked up the paper he left on the table. I unraveled it and read it from top to bottom.

I already knew this was for Riley. He's been trying to think of ways to send her a message. I smirked and put the paper in my pocket.

Farkle was visiting the library before heading off to Pennsylvania. I just knew I need to keep this letter to show Riley if we ever do see her again.

He still loves her and it's my job to put them back together like how I got them to date.

Its time to fix this broken love.


the car ride was quiet, Lucas was silent because he was taking a nap in the back seat. Zay was too focused on the road.

I was reading 'To The Light House' like crazy. Zay broke the silence by clearing his throat. I set the book down and looked at him.

"so..." he spoke carefully almost like he was avoiding something. I didn't reply I just took my phone out and checked my messages and saw an old one from the dating days.

It read:

riley: Farkle, I miss my parents. I've been crying all night please help.

farkle: okay, I'll be over with movies, chocolate, ice cream, and my love. I'm sorry you feel this way baby. I'll see you in ten.

riley: wait Farkle, aren't you at Zays for guys night. You don't have to come see me.

farkle: yeah I'm at Zay's... but I'd rather be with my girl who is upset. I love you to the moon and back I'll see you soon.

riley: I love you to mars and back.

I smiled and locked my phone. I looked at the gps. Still an hour till Philly. "Why are you so giddy?" Zay kept his voice low trying not to wake Lucas.

"It's just an old text." I replied. I set my phone in the cup holder and looked back at sleeping Lucas. I thought about Maya for a minute. "Do you think Lucas loves Maya?"

Zay narrowed his eyes. "Uh- I um" he couldn't put a real answer out. I slouched in the passengers seat.

"Do you love her?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course I do. It's Maya we're taking about... she's always been our friend F-" Zay began to say. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"More than a friend, Zay." I cut him off. His hands gripped the wheel tightly. He looked back at Lucas for a second then rack to the road.

"No." I could tell something was off. I sighed and picked my book up and continued to read. "Do you still love Riley?" My heart stopped.


that I know.


a/n: I'm so sorry for you Americans... I shed multiple tears due to this awful day. Trump is not a president... never will be.

thankfully I am Canadian and willing to take in all my American readers. Come in my arms baby's.

In happier news...

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