admit it.

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guys! Thank you so much for 500 followers. All my love to you wonderful amazing darlings.

Since you guys are so loyal and amazing I will be posting 5 days in a row starting right now.

keep up the comments and I'll keep on posting!

I love you guys ❤️


I was tapping my pen against my notebook trying my best to stay on track with the teacher.

Farkle: hey.

Riley: go away little boy.

He was literally two seats away from me. Can't he just wait till after class.

Farkle: ouch.

Farkle: Riley


Riley: wtf do u want.

Farkle: wanna date?

Riley: ya

Farkle: k hold on.


Riley: Farkle

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Riley: Farkle

Riley: I hate you.

Farkle: no u don't.

Riley: I'm going to help Maya with her art thing after school. We have to get easels and paint supplies. so maybe I can see u after that.

Farkle: okay. The opening for the gallery is going to be great, are you helping her with that at all?

Riley: no, she wants to do that on her own. Apparently it's going to be super fancy n all.

Farkle: ick, id rather just stay in my pjs and make out with someone.

Riley: wow not subtle at all.

Farkle: Hey I haven't kissed someone in over seven months leave me alone.

For once he has a point.

Class was dismissed so I drove to Maya's Gallary to help her.

• • •

I basically persuaded everyone to go to the beach to get some relaxation in. Maya needs it definitely... she's been working on her gallery so much lately.

We were all sitting around the fire because it's so damn cold out especially near the water.

I was sitting beside Zay with my head on his shoulder.

Maya and Lucas were all snuggled up too.

Farkle sat there looking away from everyone. His eyes were kept on the water. I personally love the sound of the fire crackling and the waves splashing.

"you guys mean the world to me." I said in a fragile way. Farkle turned his head to me and smiled. I felt a smile appear on my face. "you really do." I continued to look at Farkle.

Lucas shifted uncomfortably "Looks like you're only talking to one of us." He spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"If you're going to be a douche... then I will never let you have sex with Maya in my apartme-" I began to say. Maya and Lucas gasped. Zay was moving his head back and forth trying his best to keep up with the drama.

Lucas and Maya looked at each other and nodded before standing up. My eyes widened and each one of them grabbed one of my arms.

They dragged me closer to the water that's when I knew what they were going to do. "FARKLE!!!!" I yelled trying to get him to save me. He chuckled and shook his head.

"NOT THIS TIME PRINCESS!" Farkle called as I screamed. They were about to throw me in.

"wait-WAIT!" I yelled out of breath. "just a request but could you please throw Farkle in after me?" I said in the most serious tone.

"yeah sure." Maya said before the two looked at each other and threw me off the dock thing.

When I hit the water my body turned so cold. I heard laughter as I swam away from the dock. I saw everyone carrying Farkle on the dock he was trying to talk his way out of it. "we do what the girl says." Zay shrugged before they threw him in right near me.

He came up from under the water and gasped. "Holy crap that's cold!" He said as I swam over to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled.

"why do you look so hot right now." His little smirk made my heart melt all over again. I squinted at him with a smile.

I found his hands and intertwined my fingers with his. I saw a smile appear on his face.

"tomorrow I have to work on a paper and I need your intelligence." I spoke truthfully.

He chuckled. "Riley, you are very smart... do you really need my help?" His voice sounding confident in what he said.

"I'm stuck and I need your help to get me out. Promise?" I am writing about the importance of family. I need him to help me know what I'm writing about.

"alright... promise." He smiled and I let go of his hands. "let's go warm up by the fire." He said as we swam our way to shore.

We walked over to the fire and sat down on the blanket.

"how was your swim?" Lucas teased. I looked at Farkle and he looked at me back. I smiled.

"shut up Lucas." I said while still looking at Farkle.

"you are so in love." Lucas rolled his eyes. I looked back at the fire.

I won't let myself admit it.

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now