lets talk about it.

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what the hell.

I woke up somewhere familiar but I just cant put my finger on it.

I sat up and felt a breeze. I looked to see an open window and I was only wearing my undergarments. I turned my head slightly realizing where I am. I saw Farkle bare chested under this big white comforter.

I started to panic. It all rushed back to me again. I wasn't drunk or anything... just tipsy. I remember it all and knew it was what I wanted.

I got out of the bed and walked over to his dresser about to pick something to put over my exposed body. I grabbed his favourite Led•Zeppelin shirt and put it on. It covered to just above my knees so I'm fine.

I turned around and looked at him in peace. I walked over and placed a kiss on his cheek before grabbing bag and leaving back to my apartment.



My eyes fluttered open as I felt the bed get a bit lighter.

I looked up at the ceiling in confusion. I turned my head a bit. I saw Riley putting on my shirt. I almost fainted as I saw her beautiful body.

I closed my eyes for a second. I felt a kiss on my cheek and then just like that she was gone. I stood up and grabbed some clothes from my dresser.

I walked into the bathroom and had a shower, Letting the water hit my chest.

I quickly got out and dried off then put my clothes on.

I walked out into the living room to see nobody. I checked their rooms but still nothing.

farkle: hey where are you guys?

zay: we r at the cafe with Maya... we need to talk.

I walked to the cafe in utter silence trying to piece the memories together.

I took my hands out of my pockets and pushed the door open. I walked in and spotted the three at a booth. I walked over and sat down. I put my head in my hands feeling my head pounding.

"Farkle." Maya nagged. I didn't reply since I was so close to recollecting all the moments from last night. Her hands on my chest-

Maya pushed my shoulder. I looked up slowly. "you and Riley left early last night." Lucas said before taking a bite of his banana muffin. I nodded.

"we came home and heard you guys getting it on." Zay added. I felt my face heat up. God this is so embarrassing. "so we asked Maya if we could sleepover in their apartment... we did."

Lucas crossed his arms on the table and smirked "we could still hear you."

"my god Lucas would you shut up!" I said putting my hands over my ears. Lucas put his hands up in defeat. I slowly took my hands off my ears.

"you got four noise complaints." Lucas said and I grabbed his collar from across the table and pulled him up. "okay I'm done!" His voice cracked.

I let go of his plaid flannel letting him fall back into the booth seat.

I sat back down and Zay nudged me with a smile. He is proud of me.

The waitress walked over. "hey sir, would you like anything to eat? Drink?"

• • •


I can't eat, I can't drink. All I can think about is Farkle. We need to talk right now. It's been two days since the opening.

I quickly put on an outfit.

I knocked on his apartment door

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I knocked on his apartment door. I looked at my hands waiting for Farkle to answer the door.

I looked up and watched the door open.

"Riley." Farkles smile lit up the room making me return the gesture. "hey!"

"Hi Farkle, we haven't talked since the opening... could we go get some coffee?" the fear of rejection was creeping up on me. He's always been the one to be there to talk to me so why can't he now?

"yeah that would be nice." He reached for his jacket from the hanger and walked out. Honestly this should've been awkward but it wasn't. He was treating me like Riley and I was treating him like Farkle... the way it's always been.

We took a seat at the cafe.

"I'll be right back, don't miss me too much." he winked. I raised my eyebrows with a nod. He stood up and walked to the cash register and began to order. I watched as he passed her a crisp ten dollar bill and she passed him change back.

I turned my gaze back to the table.

"Hey..." I heard a masculine voice. I looked up to see Ethan. I smiled a little.

"Hi." I replied quietly. Ethan sat beside me on the booth seat. I felt a little uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat and turned his head towards me "why is a beautiful girl like you sitting alone?"

My gaze went to Farkle who was walking up to the table with two hot chocolates in his hands. Farkle cleared his throat making Ethan look up. "run along." Farkle rolled his eyes and set the hot chocolate in front of me.

"have a nice day Riley." Ethan kissed my cheek then stood up and glared at Farkle. "You... not so much." He said to Farkle before leaving.

Farkle sat down across from me.

"Sorry about him, he's a little off." I chuckled and looked down at the hot drink in front of me. "thank you for this." I smiled and picked it up. He put his mug out and we both took a sip.

"now lets talk about it."

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now