helping out pt2

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Saturday, September 30th.

I walked out with the cleaning stuff. I set it down beside the big paint blob. "This wouldn't be happening if you wouldn't have ignored me."

"okay I'm sorry." He was so unconvincing. I scoffed and took out a sponge and dipped it in water I sat down and began to try and get the now dry paint off the ground.

"are you going to help?" I looked up at him. I wasn't mad I was just wondering.

"Uh- yeah." He sat and grabbed a sponge of his own and began to scrub. "So is this a date?" He spoke


"I don't think you want to be on a date with a girl who has paint all over her and is scrubbing the floor." Riley sat straight while setting her sponge down.

"oh trust me I do." I smirked. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"And I want a boy who has paint in his hair and on his hoodie. And some paint on his face." Riley joked and I put my hands on my face trying to find where the paint was. She scooted over and took some paper towel and water.

She held my jaw carefully before using the paper towel to get it off my face. "all better." She smiled. She was about to move back to her spot but I held her hips and pulled her on my waist. Her face went red. She was basically straddling me at this point.

Her breathing hitched. I felt like I was stuck and didn't know what to do. Why did I do that...

"Farkle?" Her voice was shaky.

"Is this okay?" I asked politely so I knew she didn't feel the other way.

"Farkle..." She said through clenched teeth.

"So that's a No?" I questioned. She got off of me and pointed to the door.

There stood Maya, Lucas, and Zay. My cheeks were flushed. I stood also.

"wow that's the furthest thing from clean." Lucas joked. Riley put her face in her hands.

"We came back to grab my bag." Maya said while picking her bag up. "Now would you please clean the floor and not each other? Thank you." Maya said before the three of them left again.

I held my laughter in "I'm sorry." I broke and started laughing as did she. "We have perfect timing, don't we?"

"The best." She joked.

• • •


Farkle went back to his apartment and I went back to my grandparents just to check in and say hello.

I made my way back to campus. It took fifteen minutes but it's alright.

While I was driving I looked at the time. It was 9:07 pm I sighed and kept driving.

I locked my car and went into the apartment and up to my floor. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I walked in hearing talking in Maya's room.

I walked to my room and took a quick shower. I then put on something comfortable.

 I then put on something comfortable

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I heard Maya from my room. I went to go check on her. I walked out of my room and was making my way to her bedroom but stopped when she began to talk again.

I heard her moan and the other person began to dirty talk. I plugged my ears and ran out of the apartment and down to the boys. I opened the door and saw Zay and Farkle in the living room watching the football game.

The looked at me with large eyes. I shut their door and ran over to Farkle laid down on the couch beside him and hugged his torso tightly.

"what's wrong?" Zay beat Farkle to the question.

"Where's Lucas?" I asked loudly. Farkle and Zay chuckled at me.

"Your apartment." Zay replied. I sat up and screamed. Farkle put his hand over my mouth. "What the hell, What's going on?"

"I think Maya and Lucas are having sexy time..." I felt squeamish even talking about it.

Zay smirked and nodded. "yeah Lucas!" Zay cheered. I looked at Farkle and he was smiling until he made eye contact with me and acted like he was against it.

"no Zay! That's bad for our little Rileys ears." Farkle said in a fake way while wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"you are so very right, Farkle!" Zay replied in the same fake way.

"Thank you guys." I hugged Farkle tighter before walking over to Zay and hugging him. "By the way I'm staying over now." Zay chuckled.

"you are always welcomed here" Farkle said.

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now