i'd be down.

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Friday, September 28th.

let's just say that University is definitely not at all what I expected it to be. I have had so much work that my brain won't function anymore.

The only good thing about Uni is living with Maya and getting to see Farkle everyday. We have slowly been getting closer like the old days.

Today is Friday which means party night. Usually Maya makes me go to these party's and that's exactly what is happening today.

I already made a promise to myself that getting drunk at a frat party would never happen.

Farkle usually stays at home while this goes on.

I put on my most comfortable outfit for a party while waiting for Maya

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I put on my most comfortable outfit for a party while waiting for Maya.

I walked into her room and sat on her bed while she did her makeup.

"What is the point of going to these party's?" I questioned Maya. She rolled her eyes. She started doing her eyeliner in the mirror.

"You ask me this every week riles and I always answer with the same old-"

"Good way to mingle and have an excuse to drink." We both said in sync. I fell back onto the bed now laying down.

"Go bother Farkle." Maya suggested. I pondered on that suggestion before actually doing so.

I stood up and left down the hallway to Farkles. I didn't even knock I just entered.

"Hey Riley." Zay and Lucas said simultaneously. I waved before walking into Farkles room. I didn't see him so I just sat on his bed. I unlocked my phone and posted on Instagram quickly.

@rileytown: when stressed out bc of university just let go

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@rileytown: when stressed out bc of university just let go.

I heard his bathroom door open. I looked up to see Farkle with nothing else but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair soaking wet. "WOah" he said loudly clearly shocked from seeing me.

"Put on some clothes." I said before looking down at my phone again.

"You are in my room." He raised his brows slightly. He walked to his dresser and picked out some clothes. "are you going to the party?"

"yep can't you tell? I look super hot!" I stood up pointing to myself. He smiled.

"I know you do." Farkle nodded then "you always do." He smirked.

He grabbed his clothes and walked back to his bathroom.

a minute later he walked out in black jeans and a tight grey long sleeve top.

"are you going to the party?" I asked and he had a straight face.

"Well duh, I look super hot." He pointed to himself. I walked back over.

"Oh, I know you do." I smirked before kissing his cheek then leaving his room walking to the front door. He quickly rushed over to me.

"Riley you can't keep doing that to me." He whined.

I always tease him and he gets really whiny about it so I just do it to bug him.

"watch me." I smirked before leaving, running back to Maya.

I ran in our apartment and into Maya's room.

"Done?" I questioned and she nodded shutting off her light and walking out into the living room with me following. Maya's phone made a ding noise. She unlocked it and looked at the text. "Riley date Farkle from Zay, Lucas, and Farkle"

I tried not to smile or laugh instead I just rolled my eyes playfully.  "send back: okay from Riley." Half of the time I'm kidding and the other half I'm not.

I put on my shoes and then Maya started cracking up. "WHAT? WHAT WAS THE RESPONSE?" I yelled grabbing Maya's phone. "Wait seriously cause I'd be down- Farkle" I started laughing. I replied with: me too.

I obviously was kidding and he knows that.

"Okay stop flirting on my phone and lets go." Maya took her phone from me and pulled me out of the apartment and locked the door. We walked down to the lobby then found our way to the party which was at a whole different building.

We walked in and people stared pestering Maya. I guess she became a little more popular at these party's.

I walked over to the wallflower area and just sat.

same old same old.


a/n: just gonna plug in one of my fav authors riarklesangel

She is so underrated and her books literally give my life so I definitely recommend her two books they are truly wonderful. :)

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now