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As I walked away I knew I did wrong by yelling at her. But she still doesn't have any right to be toying with me and leading me on.

I said that I wouldn't be waiting around for her response, but I know I would because that's how much I love her.

Once I got into my apartment I slammed the door. Zay looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. I put my head in my hands.

"Farkle what the hell is going on?" Lucas asked and I looked up and shook my head in anger. I decided I would tell them.


This was all a mistake, I should've never tried to kiss him. Now I have my best friend and lover angry with me.

I walked back in the library and gathered all my things before leaving back to the apartment. I quickly got in the elevator and waited for my floor. I walked to my door and quietly unlocked it and entered.

Maya was finishing up her gallery for the rest of the night. The opening is planned to be in a couple days and I still need a dress.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it slightly to see Lucas. Honestly he's the last person I'd like to see right now.

He just pushed the door open and walked in. I gasped at his awful way of etiquette.

"why would you do that to him." Lucas said straightforwardly. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. "I'm not here for you tearing him down all the time." My eyes widened.

"Tearing him down?!" I questioned in shock "never would I ever tear him down! I just..."

"you just couldn't respond with how you really feel because you're being cowardly." Lucas finished my sentence.

"Lucas leave." I said angrily.

He rolled his eyes. "if you are smart you will tell him how you really feel before he goes off doing something else forgetting about you." Why was he saying these things to me. I opened the door and he walked out. I shut the door in his face before walking to my room.

I grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes and my MacBook.

I'm going home for the night. I picked my phone up and called Grandma Amy.

"Hello! How has university been?" She questioned. I took a deep breath.

"um good yeah, I'm going to be visiting in an hour or so. I'll be spending the night if that's alright?"

"that's absolutely fine, I'll see you soon." I ended the call before leaving. I was just going to stay at their house for a while just so I can have a teeny bit of space.


I was finishing putting up the art that people paid me to display for the opening. There were also some descriptions about the art as well.

The door flung open. I turned to see Lucas and Zay. "Hey gu-" I started to smile.

"No hey guys today! Farkle and Riley are in a fight." Zay cut me off and my jaw dropped a bit. I was about to ask why but Lucas started to talk.

"Riley was going to kiss Farkle but right as it was about to happen she pulled away looking all confused." Lucas started.

"Farkle got angry not knowing why Riley keeps toying with him so he got up and began to leave. Riley stopped him and Farkle raised his voice at her asking what she wants... a friendship or more. She didn't respond so he told her he won't be waiting around for her answer and left." Zay finished.

"Oh god, this sounds like a cheesy lifetime movie." I said before rolling my eyes. "Riley loves Farkle and Farkle loves Riley so what's the problem?"

"no one knows. Farkle thinks that Riley wants their relationship to be strictly platonic." Lucas responded.

"And he's supposed to be a genius!" I let my hand fall to my hip.

"Maya find out what Riley feels and why she won't be Farkles girl again." Zay smiled and I nodded.

"they're gonna have to face each other anyways since the opening is in two days." Lucas added. I nodded. Unless one of them bails.

but I'm going to make that impossible.

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