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guys my new riarkle book ( getaway ) is out and i would appreciate it if you added it to your library and read it! It's most likely one of my last books for a while so go while you can.


Friday, December 23rd.

Two days till Christmas and I still haven't wrapped the gifts I had gotten everyone.

I grabbed all the gifts from under my bed. What... I needed a good hiding spot!

I got Maya the paint she has been obsessing over for ages. She always said she couldn't afford it so I took it out of my savings to get it for her.

There is something special about it I guess. It's made out of sea snails and luxurious dye. I do not approve of the snail milking but whatever my friend wants, she gets.

Next I got Zay a journal. Yeah, most people will think that it is odd for Zay to have a journal but I don't. He has so many amazing things to say and he should be writing it down.

third I got Lucas tickets to a football game that I know he will enjoy... The team is popular. Lucas and I act like we hate each other while truly we love each other in a friend way.

lastly... Farkle. He was definitely the hardest one to get a gift for. But I ended up making a cd. The cd had a bunch of songs that remind me of him or songs that we listen to with each other.

I wrapped up all the gifts and pushed them back under my bed.

I decided that I would go visit Maya while she doing an art lesson with her class.

I grabbed my car keys and made my way to the car.

I drove downtown calmly. I had some music playing. When I pulled up the the gallery I parked my car and locked it before walking in.

The gallery part was empty of people so I went to the lesson room. I saw her and her class. I walked in and saw all the people learning from Maya.

"Riley, Honey!" Maya set her brush down and stood up wiping her hands on her apron.

"Peaches!" I hugged her after she came over to me.

"Are you two dating?" A student our age asked.

"No." Maya said

"Yes." I said at the exact same time.

"I hope not because you're so beautiful... and i would love to get to know you better." A boy our age said. He smiled at me. I didn't know what to say.

"She's dating someone Nick..." Maya spoke calmly. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Maya, no I'm not." I said truthfully. Maya's eyebrows lifted slightly as she nodded.

"Sorry I totally forgot." Maya walked back to her easel and sat on her stool. "You guys act so much like a couple, I forget that you aren't right now." She picked her brush up and instructed the class on what to do as I stood there in a odd state of mind. "you can sit honey."

I nodded slightly before sitting on the stool beside hers.

"I actually have something to tell you." Maya replied with a small frown. I was nervous for the news about to come. I reached for her hand and held it. "I'm-um... I'm moving out."

"wait what?" I said quickly.

"yeah, the upstairs of this gallery was previously used as a small home and now I'm going to use that as my new place. I hope you're not angry... I love living with you but I think this is for the better." Maya smiled and I nodded.

"this is truly a hallmark movie." A student said and I chuckled.

"do what makes you happy." I smiled and she giggled.

• • •

Saturday December 24th.

Riley's outfit:

as I put on my shoes I was trying my best to not be upset

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as I put on my shoes I was trying my best to not be upset.

It's Christmas Eve and all I want is my parents. It's normal to be upset but I know they would rather me be happy. I put on a smile then grabbed all the gifts for everyone.

I walked out of my room and made my way to the door. I quickly walked out and held the presents in my two arms. I could barely see.

I walked down to their apartment.

I was already an hour late because I was with my grandparents before. I kicked the door since I have no free hand to knock.

The door opened and the gifts were taken from my arms. I watched as Zay put them under the tree. I took my white fur coat off and hung it on the coat hanger.

Maya and Lucas were chatting on the couch. I walked over to Farkles door and opened it walking in.

He was taking off his shirt... my breathing hitched.

He turned his head and looked at me. His lips parted. "you're so beautiful." He said with a smile. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. "you're going to love your gift."

"Am I?" I questioned as I pulled away and sat on his made bed.

He pulled out a red long sleeve top and put it on. "I sure hope so." He walked over and sat beside me about to say something.

"PRESENTS!" Maya yelled and I scooted away from Farkle.

"we're coming!" Farkle yelled back as I stood up. He quickly stood and put his cold hands on my shoulders. "wait here." He said before walking away. I was completely confused. I went on my heels then on my toes. Back and forth, back and forth-

"Here, you left it here when we... you know." Farkle passed me my white dress that Maya gave me for the opening. "I kept forgetting to give it to you."

"Can I keep it in here?" I asked while setting it on the bed. He nodded and we walked out into the living room.

I sat on the couch and he sat across from me on the ground.

I hope he likes my gift.

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