do something.

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Friday, September 28th.

I sat against the wall avoiding every guy that came up to me trying to hit on me. I saw Ethan but just ignored him.

I've been sitting on this wall for at least and hour. I had a lemonade in my hand that was not alcoholic. I saw Farkle walking over with a drink in his hand. He sat beside me.

"Hey, whatcha drinking?" I took his cup from him and took a sip. He chuckled. "Orange soda... lame." I joked.

He took my drink and took a sip. "Lemonade... basic." He replied making me laugh. "Zay and Lucas are drunk and Maya is getting there... so do you wanna get out of here and throw a football around?"

I smiled "I thought you would never ask."

He stood up and put his hand out to help me stand. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up to my feet.

We walked to the door. I grabbed my coat and farkle took the football that was just on the ground.

We walked out in the hallway and down the stairs to the lobby.

We then walked outside to the grass. He carefully underhand threw the ball to me.

"Why are we always the two not to get drunk and make out." Farkle chuckled as I threw the ball back to him.

"Cause we have dignity and if we were to make out you would want to be sober trust me." I smirked teasing him a little more. Sometimes I feel bad but it's fun so why not.

He groaned clearly getting frustrated with my teasing. "You really do want to kill me with your teasing." Farkle threw the ball back.

"not kill you... maybe just paralyze you." I joked and he chuckled rolling his eyes.

"I bet you can't get the ball from me." He challenged me. I smirked before charging at him. He ran quickly. I ran after him using all my will power to get the ball.

I tackled him and we fell on the dry autumn grass. I was basically on top of him. I grabbed the ball from his hands and hugged it tight. I straddled his waist and he sat up.

"I won ha-ha!" I laughed in his face. He held my face in his hands. I knew what was coming. I stared in his blue eyes. I've been waiting for this kiss.

He moved in before taking the ball again and taking me off of him. He stood up. "Wait a minute!" I yelled before standing up like he did. "You can't play the player!" I pointed at myself.

"I just did, what are you gonna do about it?" He smirked trying to make me provoked.

"nothing." I shrugged pretending like I didn't care. His facial expression left. He furrowed his brows.

"No, You are supposed to do something!" He held my shoulders.

I did nothing.

"Do something!"

I kissed his nose before taking the ball from him.

We walked back to our apartment building.

He walked me to my door.


I walked her to her door. She unlocked the door before turning back to me and smiling.

It's been hard not to kiss her all night. Her beautiful smile made me smile back.

"thanks for giving me a excuse to leave that party." Riley spoke softly.

"I love being with you." I replied. I couldn't read the expression plastered on her face.

She slowly smiled. "I love being with you too..." she waved before opening her door and walking in. "bye Farkle."

"bye Ri." I replied before walking down to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in.

I looked at the clock on the oven.


It blinked multiple times. I kicked my shoes off before walking to my room and turning on the lights.

I laid down on my bed trying to tame the emotions I was feeling.

Riley definitely plays with my mind a lot. The teasing she gives me makes me want to just sit and wonder if she just hates me or actually loves me still.

I would love to just sit and figure out what we are and what she wants.

I don't want to try and be something if I don't know she wants it too.

Riley Matthews will be the death of me.


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