thank you.

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Thursday, September 5th.

I got out of my dinky little car and popped the trunk. I walked to the back and pulled out my duffle bag and suitcase. I took some boxes out as well.

I started to brainstorm on how I could bring everything in on one trip.

University. I made it mom and dad! As of now I have no roommate but I did request that Maya Hart would be.

I shut the trunk and looked at all my things in a deep thought.

"hey there stranger, need some help?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head to see Zay.

I totally forgot they were coming here.

I smiled and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around me like before. "I'm sorry." I whispered while engulfed in the hug. We both pulled away from the hug. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and blushed.

"Riley we have all the time to talk. Let's get you settled in first." He was right. I nodded while grabbing my bag and suitcase. He picked up my boxes carefully. "I guess you're living in the same building as us."

"I suppose so. My room number 456... what is yours?" I asked. He thought for a second as we were walking towards the doors.

"I believe 470." He replied. I bit my lip and knew I had to face Farkle soon. How do you face a heart you broke.

The warmth of the building hit me all at once. We walked towards the elevator and waited for the doors to open.

"Could we talk once we get to my room? I could make us a tea." I requested. He cleared his throat.

"sounds great, although I think you should get Lucas to come also. He's just sitting on the couch. Farkle is-" the elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. I clicked the fourth floor.

"Farkle is at class." He finished. Thank god. I'd rather talk to Farkle one on one assuming he was the most affected by my leave.

It was quiet until the doors opened again. We found my number and I took out my keys. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

It was nice. Zay and I walked in. He put the boxes down. I dropped my bags and looked around. I looked at the two rooms. I knew which one I wanted. "alright, now you go get Lucas and I'll get some tea made."

"Yes ma'm." His Texan accent coming through. He walked out of the room and I took the kettle out from a box and filled it with water.

I placed it on the stove and turned the heat on.

I bit my lip thinking about how I would confront Farkle. He's going to hate me even more once he sees his ex who left him with only a crumby letter.

"Riley, Riley, Riley!" Lucas cheered as he walked in. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hi Lucas." I chuckled as he pulled away. He smiled at me.

"Boy, Farkle will be ecstatic to see you!" Lucas smiled while shaking is head in disbelief. I blushed. "This is like seeing a dead friend!" I furrowed my eyebrows "except you aren't dead." He corrected himself

"so, do you want to explain yourself?" Zay sat on the counter. I sighed and nodded. I felt the courage building up.

"You guys are my world and you know that. But when I got the news I was moving I didn't know how to tell you guys especially Farkle, the only idea I had in my mind was to write a letter. I didn't want to break down in front of you guys again because you don't deserve that." I said tiredly. "when I got to Philadelphia my phone broke. I wasn't allowed to go back to New York by myself and the timing wasn't right for my family either. We have a home phone but I didn't know any of your numbers by heart. I wish I could've said something to you guys." I apologized. "you guys didn't deserve that especially Farkle he probably hates me now and I can understand that."

"I understand." Lucas said "you have a difficult life Riley and we all admire you for conquering it with such courage. We all make mistakes and I think yours was the letter you could've told us we would've understood... we are your friends."

I smiled at him. "yeah, you made one mistake. We still love you no matter what." Zay replied.

"thanks you guys." I smiled pulling them both into a hug.

thanks for the forgiveness.

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now