great to have a friend.

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Thursday, September 5th.

I was in class when my phone kept going off. I muted the sound so that it wouldn't disrupt anyone. I set the phone on my thigh. It continued to buzz. I rolled my eyes and checked.

zay: DUDE

lucas: Farkle MINKUS

zay: answer your phone you fucker!!!!!


zay: fine I guess we won't tell u.


zay: we

lucas: just

zay: met

lucas: up

zay: with Riley.

farkle: are you fucking serious?!

zay: yep, she lives in our building 😍🙌🏻

lucas: and she has a European boyfriend

zay: no she doesn't.

farkle: how is she? omg

lucas: ask her urself after class.

zay: dude she wasn't avoiding us though. Turns out her phone broke and she wasn't allowed to come back to NYC. She looks great bro... have fun ;)

farkle: she's probably over me... no fun for me. :/

lucas: she thinks your gonna hate her.

zay: **you're

lucas: shut up.

farkle: I could never hate Riley Matthews.

zay: do you still love her?

farkle: ...

"Class dismissed!" The professor said and everyone stood. I grabbed my bag and put it over my shoulder.

"farkle!" I heard a female voice call. I turned to see Rose. She was a cute blonde. "Hi... would you like to go get a coffee or just talk?" She asked. All I had on my mind was Riley though.

"I'm kinda busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow though!" I smiled and she nodded. I walked out of the classroom then out onto campus. The cold air was refreshing. I took a breath. I walked to out building and took the elevator up to the forth floor.

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now