helping out pt1

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JUST STARTED UP MY TUMBLR! go follow @ riiarkledarlin !!!

Will update at 30 comments, you can do it!


Saturday, September 30th.

We were helping Maya paint the place she bought down town for her little art lesson/exhibit thing.

It was just basic white because she wants the main focus to be on the art people make.

I sat down on the dark brown hardwood floor. I looked at Zay who was trying to make it fun for everyone. Lucas and Maya were laughing at Zay. Farkle was quietly focused on painting.

I stood up and brushed my jeans off.

I walked over to Farkle. "Hi." I smiled at him with true love in my eyes. His head turned to me and he smiled as well.

"Hey Ri." He replied before applying more paint on his brush.

"Riley could you go get us some lunch?" Maya asked with a puppy dog look on her face. I set my brush down and tapped Farkles shoulder.

"you coming too?" I asked him. He nodded and set his brush down. "Alright, we will be back with some lunch." I smiled and we walked out of the building. He put his leather jacket on as we walked down the sidewalk.

There is a diner down the road where we could get some takeout.

"so..." he started. "I just think you should know... I'm proud of you."

"wait why?" I looked up at him. He took his hands out of his pockets.

"you have came a long way since we met. You are a beautiful, smart, woman who is so amazing." Farkle spoke happily. I didn't know what to say. "Your parents would be so proud of you-" he said.

I cut him off with my hand intertwining with his. He looked down at our hands and became tense.

"I'm- um I'm sorry." I took my hand away and looked down. It was quiet. I felt his hand hold on to mine. I looked at him and smiled.

It felt like home when he held my hand. We walked into the diner and I let go of him.

I walked up to the cashier and began to order. I got Maya a Tuna Melt with a coffee, then I got Lucas and Zay a grilled cheese and fries. Farkle and I decided we would share fries.

I paid the lady and waited for the food. Soon she brought it out and gave it to me.

Farkle and I walked back to the others.

I gave them their food.

"Thanks guys." Maya smiled at us.

I grabbed the box with our fries in it. Farkle and I walked outside and sat on the steps leading up to the doors.


I couldn't look away from Riley and Farkle. They were sitting on the steps obviously flirting with each other. Riley fed Farkle a french fry before laughing.

"they are so cute." I said out loud. Lucas and Zay looked at them.

"He isn't over her." Lucas said while pursing his lips a bit. "She left and he still isn't over her."

"I think that Farkle could never stay mad at Riley... no matter what she did he is always going to love her." Zay said before taking a bite of his grilled cheese. I smiled at him for longer then I meant to.

I looked back at Lucas who looked upset or something was wrong. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked quietly. He shook his head implying that it was "nothing" he looked back at the two out the window.

I felt weird about Lucas and Zay. Lucas is slowly coming back to me while Zay is always there when I need him.

oh no.

• • •


I checked my phone to see what time it was.


Maya said we could leave whenever we want but we just stayed with her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I playfully ignored it knowing it was Riley. I continued to paint.

"Far-kleee" she sang quietly nudging me. I tried my best not to laugh or give in.

She stormed off and got something before coming back over to me.

She dipped her brush in paint then painted my mouth. I gasped and she started laughing.

I dipped my brush in paint and painted her face which stopped her laughing. She dipped her hands in paint and dragged it down my torso. White paint on my black sweater.

I grabbed the small can of paint and held it above her head. "Farkle no." She pleaded. I poured it over her head and she screamed before grabbing another can and pouring it on-

"GUYS!" Maya yelled pushing Riley away from me. "You are making a mess of the floor! You guys are going to stay here and clean it up while Zay, Lucas, and I go home and relax." we deserve this. "the cleaning supply's are in the cupboard and the keys are right here." Maya said.

Riley walked to the other room where the cupboard is. Maya walked out the door and as Zay and Lucas were about to Lucas said: "have fun." And winked

What's that supposed to mean we are literally cleaning- ohhhh.

I'll try,

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now