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Friday, September 6th.

I woke up and my head was pounding. I fell asleep watching Stranger Things.

I closed my laptop and got out of bed. It was cold in my room. I put on a red sweatshirt and some black jeans. My hair was extremely messy. I combed it out and brushed my teeth.

I have class in twenty minutes.

I walked into the kitchen and ate some cereal. Zay loves cereal so we have a bunch of choices. I chose the basic: Cheerios.

"Farkle... you going to Riley's today?" Zay asked while rubbing his eyes.

"yup." I said my voice was groggily. I put my dish in the sink and grabbed my bag.

I slid on my adidas shoes and walked out the door. I took the elevator down and walked out on campus.

I made my way to the classroom. It wasn't too long of a walk. My hands were basically white as snow. When I got in the building my hands went red. I walked in the class and sat down.

"coffee today?" Rose asked me with a smile. crap.

"uh yeah!" I smiled

"Awesome!" She smiled and turned back to her book. I sighed and went on my phone.

the lecture began. I started to take notes on what he said.

I kept looking at the clock waiting for this long class to be done. I need to talk to Riley.

zay: you coming back before you go to Riley's?

farkle: uh yeah i think.

sooner than later class was over and Rose and I met up. We went to the cafe and just talked. She was super clingy for just talking to me today.

After the date I walked back home. I opened the door and threw my bag on the ground.

"Zay?" I called.

"What?!" He called back.

"what is her room number?" I yelled. He was in his room.

"Um... 456?" He wasn't 100% sure but I'll take the risk.

I walked out into the hall. I looked at the door numbers. I finally saw 456. I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard footsteps.

The door opened.

her but brown doe eyes widened. She looked adorable. Wearing the cutest thing.

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