all i want is you.

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Saturday, November 12th

I felt it in my gut that Riley was about to say the whole thing was a mistake and she was just tipsy from the red intoxicating drink. I prepared myself to be let down because since when does she actually want to be something with me. "I'm just going to be bold and say it. We slept together and guess what... I liked it!" I said quickly.

Riley chuckled a tiny bit then took a sip of her hot chocolate "me too." Her words shocked me.

"wait really?!" I said excitedly she smiled at me then winked. "that's cool" I said trying to hide that I am so damn excited yet I was doing an awful job.

"Everything you do is somehow adorable..." Riley smiled a beautiful smile. I chuckled knowing that everything she does is way more adorable.

• • •

Thursday, December 22nd.

Its been a while since the cafe chat and finally Christmas season has came. The campus is so very jolly. This year Riley is trying her best to be happy since we all know it's hard on her. But to quote she said: "I'm done being all depressed around the best time of year. If you catch me sad, cheer me up please." So that's my mission.

Mission cheer Riley Matthews up with Christmas glee.

Whenever Maya texts me I know Riley's hurtin'

maya: hey Riley's sad and idk what to do...

farkle: I'll be over in 15.

I quickly took the pillsbury Christmas cookies out and placed them on a pan. I put them in the toasty oven and waited for those to cook.

I ran to my room and put on black jeans and a red sweatshirt. I put on a Santa hat.

I downloaded Christmas movies like: Home Alone, Santa Clause, Scrooged, and more on my laptop.

The oven dinged and I ran over and took the cookies out. I put the cookies in a Christmas tin. Zay walked over and tried to take one. I hit his hand and he yelped.

"those are Riley's, get out." I said before putting my shoes on and putting my Mac in its case and grabbing the cookie tin.

"is she down again?" Lucas asked from the couch.

"yeah... uh she is." I quickly went down the hall to their apartment. I opened the door and walked in. Maya pointed to Riley's room.

I walked over to her room and knocked on the door. I heard steps then the door opened. I held out the cookies to her. She smiled a little but still not enough.

I took the Santa hat off my head and put it on hers. She set the cookies on her dresser then pulled me in her room and shut the door behind us.

"I'm going to marry you right now." Riley said while adjusting the Santa hat on her head.

I smirked "not unless I marry you first." I said and she scoffed. "come on, let's watch a movie." I pulled out my laptop and clicked home alone. I shut her lights off and plugged in the Christmas lights. She got under the blankets and I followed after her.

It was quiet for a second. "Farkle?"

"Mhm?" I hummed my response.

"Could I maybe-possibly cuddle you?" Riley took my line from last year when she stayed the night and I wanted to cuddle with her.

"do you even have to ask?" I replied and she wrapped her arms around my torso and put her head on my chest.

well obviously we didn't get through the whole movie because she got bored. I closed my laptop and turned to face her.

"let's go on a walk." I suggested.

We went on a walk through the campus. Snow was falling lightly. Riley looked adorable in my old green sweater and a black beanie.

"I talked to Ethan today." Riley admitted as we walked around.

"Oh... what did he want?" I asked trying not to make my jealousy obvious.

"to know all my secrets." Riley said while shoving her hands in her pockets. I sighed and saw my breath in the cold.

"Well get in line, Ethan." I replied. She rolled her eyes resulting in me getting confused. "why that face?"

she scoffed "I tell you everything. I have no secrets..." it wasn't too convincing honestly. I'm not jealous that Riley was talking to another guy... it's just that Ethan is sooo flirty with her. But then again we aren't even dating, but I know I'm going to ask her around Christmas Day... I feel like if I make her happy and she makes me happy, then we both get the most special gift on Christmas... each other. She put her hands together and leaned closer to me. "maybe there is one little secret."

"ooh- what is it!" I got excited to hear a new thing about her. She chuckled and looked at her boots which crunched on the light layer of snow.

She smirked "You're not going to get it that easily." I knew it.

"There is always some type of catch with you, I love it but cut me some slack!" I complained and she rolled her eyes.

"alright well, I'll tell you if you can..." she thought for a moment not having her sentence planned. I smirked at the goof, it's crazy how much I love her. "catch me?" She finished her sentence before running away.

A laugh slipped out of my throat as I chased her. I could hear her famous giggle that made anybody smile with joy.

She ran to a tree and hid behind it for a couple seconds. I quietly snuck over and grabbed her waist. She screamed playfully as I picked her up and held her in my arms.

"Fine, okay! Here are some secrets: one time when I was speaking Spanish I confessed my love to you then told you I said that I want a dog, when you kissed me in my room I felt so many sparks but I had to lie, and lastly one time when Jake and I were making out I may have said your name instead of his."

the last secret made me purse my lips hiding the smirk that was trying to appear.

"here's my secret... three more days till Christmas and all I want is you." I replied. Her nose was red in the most cutest way. She smiled and I nodded at her

" 'tis the season." I said before placing my lips on hers feeling her kiss back.

I love her.

déjà vu ✗ riarkleWhere stories live. Discover now