Chapter 11

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The two of them just seemed to stare at eachother, frozen in shock.

"Okay, about you guys sit down, then we talk?" I cleared my throat.

"Y-yes, sure.. " hiro stuttered.

They followed me to the kitchen silently, which made me awkward.

Sitting infront of eachother, I made some hot chocolate as they seemed to have some telepathic conversation.

"Here, I made hot chocolate. Now you two talk..." I said as I gave them glasses and sat beside hiro.

"So you're alive?" Hiro spoke first.

"Yes, I am."

"And you just chose to hide? Did you even think about aunt cass? Did you even think about your friends, about me? Tadashi we literally cried for days!" Hiro growled.

I placed a hand on his, gesturing him to calm down.

"Hiro, listen please and calm down..-" tadashi frowned- "I didn't want to leave, I just had to cause I know you all thought I was dead. I left to new Paris after I woke up in the hospital a few miles away from here."

"But why didn't you call? You could've just atleast let us know! Do you know hard it was for Hana and I?" Hiro was by now, tearing up.

I gulped nervously as I glanced st tadashi who nodded at me.

"Hiro. Hana knows. Hana's the only one who knows for four years now. I called her a few weeks when I got to new Paris, and told her the same reason I told you. The whole sanfransokyo practically thinks I'm dead, hiro.."

Hiro's head whipped at me furiously as I looked away from him.

"So you know? You didn't bother to tell me?! And you, you knew that hana was deadly dice didn't you? Yet you let her do it?" He growled at us.

"Calm down hiro. Anger's not going to help. And yes, I know Hana's work. I'm the one behind her earpiece." He admitted.

"So you guys have been doing this for four years? Tadashi, you've been alive for four years. And Hana, you- you've been lying to me for four years? You've been pretending to be sad that tadashi died! But all along you knew that he was alive! And you just sat there?"

In annoyance, I slammed my hands on the table and stood up.

"Hiro, what is your problem? Do you think I wanted it to be that way?! Do you think I wanted to hide tadashi from you? Seeing you crying for nights on end because you missed your brother? Do you think I pretended to give sympathy, pretended to care?! Hiro, don't you see? All this time, tadashi and I were protecting you! Because your too stupid to even protect yourself! If it weren't for me using my self as a freaking shield, you would've been in my position and you would've never found out that tadashi was alive!!"

Tears welled in my eyes from anger and stress. My wound was hurting me again, which made it worse.

"Your just so ignorant hiro! All you do is think about yourself. You- you don't think about what anyone else feel, what I feel! I risked my life for you, hiro! And I'd do a thousand times more, because I care about you! But have you ever thought of that? Have you even thought of what our friendship meant to you? No, because all you do is just lock yourself in your lab upgrading baymax for your crime fights, and just thinking about Jenna! I'm not jealous about you or Jenna, I'm happy for you but I just..I'm..I'm just.." tears started falling down my cheeks rapidly as I sobbed.

Hiro just gave me a soft glare as tadashi stood up and hugged me.

"Go rest Hana. Hiro and I will talk, don't worry.." he smiled.

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