Chapter 27

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   My phone buzzed as I was in my room changing out of my sweaty clothes as I just came from a run outside.

  'Bank Robbery. Police need's help- hostages are taken. Quick hana.'

Shutting my phone off, I sighed as I dug out my suit from my closet.

  Slipping my mask on, my earpiece beeped as I jumped out my window and onto the roofs.

I soon caught sight of Hiro and the others, making me grin.

  Speeding up my pace, I jumped towards a roof, passing by their surprised faces.

 "H-hana..! Hey wait!" I hear Hiro call out, telling baymax to speed up.

 We reached the bank in time as they hopped off the robot clad in red.

   "What are you doing? Why did you run ahead, you could've just told us..!" Hiro scolded.

"Hiro, you may know who I am now, and you may be my bestfriend, but I'm still deadly dice.."I grinned savagely- "And deadly dice works alone."

   I entered the bank, passing by the police who knew who I was so they let me pass through.

"So, what do we have here, guys?" I grinned.

  "Deadly dice..! Oh thankyou for coming to help us." The chief smiled thankfully, shaking my leather wrapped hand.

  "Not a problem, oh, big hero six is here too. Anyways, where are they?"

His face darkened as he jerked his head back. I glanced behind him to see three men wearing masks holding guns against girls.

   "Please help us, they have my daughter..Save her.." He pleaded.

  I gave a small smile and patted his hand just as Hiro stood beside me.

"We'll do everything we can to help sir. For now, stand down and prepare for fire when signalled." Hiro said with a stern look.

  The mad nodded and ordered the police to stand down and prepare for fire.

"Alright, any plan? Cause if you guys don't have one, I'm going to go head on." I grinned.

Hiro sighed and looked at me sternly.

  "No hana. Stay here, we have a plan."

Gogo and wasabi chuckled and grinned at me, making me blush faintly.

  We deviced a plan and separated as we got the plan in order and finally rolling.

"Give us the money and we'll set the girls free! Now!" The burly man in the middle holding a pistol aimed at the head of the blonde girl yelled.

  The girl whimpered in fear as she stared at everyone, tears streaming down her face as she breathed jaggedly. A few more burly males were around them, acting as their body guards. Maybe around five or six- can't really see from where I stand.

  "Alright, I'm in position guys..On my count.." I whispered, pulling at my bow.

Aiming at the wall across from me, I breathed in.

  "Careful, hana.."

Hiro's voice resonated in my ears.

  "One..Two...Three..!" I shot the arrow across the large room.

The arrow whizzed through and the rope around it's end hang straight serving as a tool which I would use to swing across the room.

  Honey lemon dropped her chembombs that once exploded would fill the room with smoke, that was my cue. Using my bow, I slid across the room, making sure to hit disarm the men holding the hostages. 

  Once the girls were free they ran away from them while the criminals coughed and hacked, waving the smoke away.

  "What the hell is this?! Hey! I can't see- ah!" I heard one of the men groan as they fell on the ground.

  As the smoke cleared the men were now on the ground, being held down by the police.

"That's that. We'll leave everything to you now, chief." I smiled, patting his shoulder.

"Thankyou deadly dice, Big hero six. You did a big help. You saved my daughter.." He smiled tearily, hugging me tightly.

  I blinked, returning it awkwardly as I heard Hiro chuckle.

We left soon after they got the criminals in the police car.

   "Hana, for the last time. Just group with us already..!" Hiro sighed as we got back to the cafe

 after dropping the others back at fred's.

  "Hiro no. I told you already, I work alone. Don't worry, I'd still be with you guys, just not with the big hero six group." I grinned.

 "hana....!" He whined, following me.

"Hiro.....!" I mimicked, teasing him.

He grew silent all of a sudden. With scrunched eyebrows, I slowly turned around but air was knocked out of me as I hit the ground.

   "AH! what the- Hiro! What are you doing! Get off me!" I blushed as he pinned me down.

  "I won't let you go until you say you'd group with us!" He grinned and started tickling my sides.

"H-hey S-s-Ahahaha! stop! Hahaha stop!!" I cried.

   "Tell me you'd group with Big hero six! Tell me!" He tickled my sides even more.

I wheezed and laughed, tears in my eyes.

   "No! Never..! Now get off!!"

My face was now red from laughing as the tears fell from my eyes.

  He laughed as he stopped tickling me, but was still holding me down with his hand holding his weight on the ground while the other was under my shirt, resting on my skin.

  I took my chanced and flipped us over so I was holding him down this time.

With a savage smirk, my fingers wiggled in the air as I started tickling him everywhere.

I knew his weak spots so I could easily make him cry out in laughter.

"Ahh-!! hahaha! L-let go..! Ahahaha! Let go!" He laughed.

After tickling him for a while more, I stopped and laughed at his red face and his wheezing self.

He was panting heavily, hair tossled all over.

Our eyes locked as we stared at eachother.

  My heart started beating loudly, banging on my ribs as I saw him visibly gulp as his cheeks reddened.


Something in my mind was telling to do something- anything that would take over this mood. And for the first time, I followed that voice.

"Could you..Could you just- shut up for a sec, Hiro.."I said almost absentmindedly as my hand left his waist, going up to his jaw.

  "Hiro..I-I'm going to do something I'm sure you wouldn't like..but it's possibly the only way for you to notice me.." I gulped.

  "what do-"

"Just listen. I-uh.."I sighed as I sat up on his legs.

He did the same, looking at me with a concerned frown.

   "I'm...leaving.."I frowned.

"leaving? where are you going?"

    "I'm moving with my aunt another country.."

His face fell as a huge frown dawned on his face filled with horror.

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