{Saeran x reader} The Ivory statue

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In a small village of Mysmes (lol) lived a young lapidary named Saeran, who creates and sells masterpieces of carved, polished and engraved gems and stones. Proud was he of his work, yet he still felt something missing in his life. Love. For the majority of his life, Saeran lived alone and didn't have many friends, except for his customers that enter his shop. Only then can he strike a conversation and socialize but it never really lasts.

"Hello, sir! How may I help you today?" Saeran greeted with a smile.

An old man with a wooden cane stepped into his workshop and smiled.

"Hello, young sir. I was wondering if you had food. I am really hungry and I have been traveling for days" his old hoarse voice sounded.

Saeran was shocked but he knew what he wanted to do.

"Of course, sir! I have some food for you and if you would like, I have a spare room where you can stay for a night or two" he offered.

"A night would do just fine. Thank you! How may I ever repay you?" "No need" Saeran put his hands up in defence. "It's just always good to help people in need~ My name is Saeran"

"Call me Seven, young man"

That night when Saeran had thought the old man was asleep he went into his workshop and started working on something special. The old man sensed that he was there and turned into a fine young man just like Saeran, soft red locks with yellow and grey framed glasses sitting on his nose. He formed a kind smile and crept towards the workshop. Seven whispered "I know now"

In Saeran's workshop, he held his hammer and chisel, sweat slowly dripped from his forehead. Saeran was tired out but he continued on his project. What was this project? Saeran had worked on this for weeks now and his progress and almost come to an end. For a few more days, he continued to carve. When the time finally came, he put down his tools and admired the beauty that stood still before him. There, an ivory statue of his ideal woman. The statue had a carved out dress and all her details was clear.

Seven, who was peaking by the doorway thought. 'He might just be the one. Kind, caring, yet lonely... I know how to repay him now! Heh, I will leave right away'

Seven walked away from the workshop, while munching on a potato drenched in honey and butter. (lol help)

~Next morning~

Saeran woke up and found himself leaning on his work desk. He sat straight up and yawned. While doing his normal daily morning routine, he comes across the room where the old man, Seven stayed in, finding it empty.

'He must have already left...' he thought.

Sitting back down on his stool, he stared at his beautiful ivory statue for what seemed like hours. I guess you can say he developed feelings for his art but it was just a statue. He then felt the sudden urge to kiss it. He shook his head of the thoughts but it still stayed. Standing up, he looked around to see if anyone was watching. He closed his eyes and sighed 'here goes nothing~'

Quickly, he planted a big yet soft and gentle kiss on the statues lips, only to find that they too were warm and soft. Eyes closed, he leaned in again to kiss the female statue, only to have it kissing him back with her warm lips. Saeran opened his eyes and widened at the sight. His ideal woman statue transformed into a real life girl with h/c hair and ivory skin. Her e/c sparkled.

"I love you!" the girl chirped.

"...What is your name?" Saeran questioned.

"You made me, so you can give me my name too!" The ivory girl smiled.

"Y/n... I love you, Y/n!"

The new couple shared another kiss, then another, then another! Saeran's life was finally complete. Instantly they got married and lived a long happy life together with 2 kids. 

"Hehe, cute" giggled a young red-haired man.

Seven stood in the distance of their own new cottage house, smiling. This was his doing after all~ 

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