{Yoosung x reader} Sunshine

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C/n= city name


It was a start of a new school year and this is the 3rd time you've moved schools, only this time you moved to Seoul where none of your old-school mates will now you from back at c/n. Why? You were like one of those kinda girls who came from a gangster crew and was such a total rebel but you were just a lone wolf the whole time. In this school, you decided to start fresh, be good no matter how irritating it could be and pass through the year. So instead of your usual black white and red, you wore a (disgusting) fluffy pink sweater and a mint green skirt that reached above your knees. You also put your h/c in a nice side ponytail.

Looking in the mirror, you had to admit you looked cute but it just doesn't suit your taste, you looked much better in your old, usual outfits.

~le timeskip~

You stood outside your classroom waiting to be called in by the teacher. When you went into the school, obviously, people would stare at you because of your unfamiliar face, though they found you extremely cute. A boy even introduced himself to you. He was a total flirt and wanted to punch his face but deciding that that wouldn't be such a good idea, you smiled, said hello and then left.

Through the door you heard your teachers voice calling you in. You stepped into the class with a forced cute smile.

"Annyeong, my name is L/n Y/n, please take care of me"

"Please take the empty seat at the back, Ms. Y/n"

You obediently walked to your seat and as you sat, the teacher started talking again.

"Well then class, my name is Jumin Han, you are to call me Mr. Han. You'll be stuck with me as your homeroom teacher AND your mathematics teacher as well. I don't care what you do during homeroom because my job as a homeroom teacher is to expose you to reality. That's all"

You heard an eruption of groans in the class and then small chatter, Mr. Han didn't mind though. You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw a brunette with short hair.

"Are you excited for this year, L/n-ssi?"

"I guess so. Just call me Y/n"

"Okay, me too. Just be careful with Mr. Han though. He is kind and all that but he is the strictest teacher in this whole school"

Suddenly, you look up at Mr. Han who now stood infront of you.

"Ms. Y/n, welcome to our class. I hope you will have a good year" he says with a small smile.

"Thank you, sir"

"Just so you know, Ms. Y/n. as a homeroom teacher, I expose my students to the real world. I know everything about my students and their families, all their ups and downs. Call it stalker-ish or whatever you like but would very much like it if my students didn't fake anything, otherwise I point it out at some point. Tomorrow morning, I expect a great change from you" and he left.

That teacher saw right through you.

You sighed as you knew what he meant.

Classes then started but it seemed to fly by quick, so now it was lunch time.

While getting ready to leave, a cute blonde boy walked up to you.

"Annyeong, Y/n-ssi. My name is Yoosung. Would you like to sit with me and my friends during lunch?"

Instantly, you recalled Mr. Han's words to you this morning. But he isn't here right now, isn't he?

"Sure, Yoosung!"

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