{Yoosung x reader} Heartbeat

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Reader's POV

For a while now, I've taken quite an interest in Yoosung. My big brother, Saeyoung, had introduced me to him a while ago and it turns out we went to the same university. We became friends, which made me happier, but one thing bugged me a whole lot. He complains about not having a girlfriend... I AM RIGHT HERE! I just want to scream that in his face and tell him how much I love him. But being a shyest girl in town, I could never.

Well, here I am now. Sitting on his couch, watching from his TV. We were partnered for a project and right now, we are just procrastinating. He sat a couple inches away from me playing on his phone and listening to music in his earphones, while I just watched and took a couple glances at him. I glanced at his phone to see a photo of hands holding each other lovingly. He turned off his phone and sighed.

"Man, I wish I could get a girlfriend. Then I wouldn't be alone all the time"

I felt a sting in my chest. I mustered up as much confidence as I can and spoke.

"Yoosung, w-what kind of girls do you l-like?"

"Hm? Girls like you, I guess! I actually have my eye on one girl at the moment" he smiled gently, which made my heart flutter but disappear at an instant.

'He probably doesn't like me...' I shuffled away slowly and quietly from him, hoping he would notice, but nope! He did. As a reaction, he shuffled closer to me. I shuffled even more in shyness but he just kept coming closer with that devilishly handsome smirk of his. As a result, I fell of the couch.

He laughed. "Aha! Why are you moving away from me Y/n?"

"I don't know what you are talking about!" I retorted.

I crossed my arms and faced away from him. It was an awkward silence between us for a moment.

"...Do you like someone Y/n?"

I felt my face heat up, turning red. "M-maybe..."

"Really!? Tell me! Tell me! Please?"

I stayed silent. I tried to speak but no words came from my mouth. Tears then streamed down my face. I hung my head low while my tears dripped onto my legs.

"Y-Y/n!? Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"You don't understand..." I muttered.

"What don't I understand?"

"You don't GET IT! You're the one I love! You're the one I have a crush on! I've always wanted to say this but I was too much of a scaredy cat to say it to your god damned FACE! Everytime you complain about not getting a stupid girlfriend, it just makes me want to SCREAM " I yelled.

I ran out the door as it started to rain. The clouds were getting darker which worried me a lot. I then heard the clapping of thunder and saw flashes of lightning. I was scared. I didn't know what to do but crouch down and cover my ears in fear.

Yoosung's POV

Y/n screamed at me then ran out the door.

"She... loves. Me?"

It soon started to rain and soon thunder came. I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I took out my phone and answered Seven's call.


"Yoosung, where is Y/n?" he said in a worried tone.

"I don't know. She ran out the door somewhere. Why?"

"Yoosung! She is afraid of THUNDER!"

I gasped as a shot of anxiety pained through my body.

"Yoosung, I swear if you don't find her, I will kill you!" His protective brotherly voice laced with venom rang in my ears.

"You love her. Don't you!?"

I immediately hung up on him and throwing my phone on the couch on my way out the door. For a good 5 minutes, I searched for Y/n around the streets. Thunder and lightning kept occupying the dark sky. Tears pricked my eyes, I felt so worried. I stopped under a bakery's roof to catch my breath.

Clap! Bang!

I heard a whimper and a cry as the thunder roared. I walked around the corner to see Y/n under the same roof as I. Her head was in her knees and she desperately covered her ears with her hands. She also shivered in coldness. I took off my jacket and placed it over her small body, causing her to look up to my face. Thunder clapped again and she clenched her eyes closed. I had my pair of earphones in my pocket, and placed it in her ears, even though the other end was without a phone. I gently supported her trembling body up and placed her head on my chest.

"Focus on my heartbeat, Y/n"

We quickly walked to my home again. Once the storm disappeared and we returned to my house. I laid her on my bed and whispered into her ear.

"Y/n, I'm sorry to make you run away like that. Look, the girl I liked was you. I... I love you... Y/n... and I'm sorry"

"I love you, Yoosung" she says as she falls asleep in my arms. I just cuddled with her, never letting go...


Lmao y'all in the comments are like 'damn it's OHSHC all over again'.

I highkey didn't realise that until I started seeing the comments that you guys leave. But just so it's all clear, this one was inspired by my own fear of thunder. They are scary >~< and I had a slightly similar experience with someone who helped me calm down.

thanks for reading, my precious Beauty Biscuits

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