{Jaehee x reader} I don't want us to be friends

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It's a little too late but Merry Christmas and Happy new year. //slapped


Your POV

The RFA decided to spend Christmas together, at Jumin's house because it was big. Laughs and chatter flooded the dinner table as they ate joyfully. You were happy to spend Christmas with everyone, especially with a certain brunette. You snuck a few glances at Jaehee who sat infront of you. At one point, you both caught each-others glances, which quickly resulted to the both of you obliviously turning away from each other, feeling flustered. Yeah, you swung that way. Little did you know, almost everyone had caught you two looking at each other, Seven formed a cheeky grin on his face and whispered to Yoosung, who whispered to Jumin.

Dinner ended after a while and as you started for Jaehee, Seven jumped in your way and slung your arm around you and dragged you across the room. Meanwhile, Jaehee had been watching this unfold and couldn't help but feel a bit jealous inside. Even so, she continued to watch you two chatter from afar.

"I saw you, Y/n~" He sang into your ear.

"Whatever do you mean by that Seven?" You said, lifting an eyebrow.

"It's obvious! You like Jaehee. We all saw how you snuck those cheeky glances at her, showing some of your lovey dovey eyes and what not. Aaaaaaaand I bet she likes you two~!" You flushed in embarrassment.

"Y-you saw! You all saw!" you quickly lowered your voice and continued. "Am I really that obvious? Yeah, I like her but that doesn't mean she likes me. A bland potato like me, she probably isn't into girls. Probably not into dating"

"She might be. How 'bout this? I can easily get you two some alone time" Seven grinned cheekily, from ear to ear.

"R-really, Seven?" He nodded hastily.

"Thanks, Seven" You said, throwing yourself at him with a friendly hug. //slapped again

Jaehee's POV

I just watched Y/n and Seven chat away, in jealousy. Then I saw Y/n jump and hug Seven, the expression of true happiness was displayed on her face, making me wish that I were there instead of Seven. I frowned, then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Yoosung.

"Hiya, Jaehee!" He said with the sweetest smile.

"Hello, Yoosung, are you enjoying this party?" I asked casually.

"Yes! But the question is, are you enjoying this party~?"

I took a quick glance at Seven and Y/n who are now leaving, then turned back to Yoosung. "I was..."

"Don't be sad, Jaehee. You'll get your chance eventually. I'm sure Y/n likes you back..." Yoosung said, making me blush.

"D-don't just say that!"

"Everyone knows, it's obvious"

I sighed. "I don't she likes me, look at how happy she is with Seven. I wish I can make her happy like that"

"You know what?"


"Shut up..." Yoosung snapped back and dragged me outside and into the garden and leaving me there. I felt spun around and ended up face to face with Y/n, who seemed to be red in the cheeks.

Your POV

Yoosung left and Jaehee turned to me. This is it.



"Jaehee, I have something to ask you..."


"I..." You paused. "I want to walk around the garden with you. It's a nice Christmas night and the moon is out" //slapped a third time

You saw and sweat drop form on her cheek, but she nodded with a smile. You both walked around the garden admiring the beautiful flowers you saw, occasionally chatting about your lives.

"I have something to tell you" You both say at the same time.

"Oh, you go first" Jaehee says quickly.

"O-okay...Jaehee, the reason you are here..." You started.


"I have something important to tell you..."

"Y-yes" At this point you felt my face heat up as well as seeing pink paint Jaehee's cheeks.

"I... We've been friends for a very long time and I love it. It's just that..."

"You don't want to be my friend?" She asked worriedly.

"Jaehee! No! That's not what I was gonna say, kind of..."

"Kind of? Y/n I don't exactly understand..." You start to see tears in Jaehee's eyes, making you feel guilty.

Desperately, you embraced Jaehee and squeezed your eyes shut, as you decided to just go for it.

"Jaehee, I just... really like you. No, I love you! I don't want us to be friends, I want us to be so much more! Jaehee, I-"

I was cut off by the sudden soft warmth pressing against my lips. It felt so nice, I wanted it to last more than a quick second.

"Y/n, that's what I wanted to say! I love you too! And Yes! We can be more!" She exclaimed, showing me her angelic smile.

Hand in hand, we both walked back inside, not before we stopped under a bit of mistletoe~

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