{Seven x Reader} This annoying countdown

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High School! Soulmate! AU


Saeyoung, or as others like to call him, Seven sat on the roof of his school building, as it was lunch. Seven was an independent person most of the time and didn't have many friends, as he was also a troublemaker. He played pranks freely on anyone he wishes. Though today, pranks weren't at all on his mind. There was a small yet visible timer printed on his wrist, that indicated the counting down time until he meets his soulmate.

He hated this. When you're a baby you're either born with it or not. Unfortunately, Seven was born with the timer. Born with his life already decided for him. He had very little freedom on his love life, which he hated.

"Seven! There you are!" Called out a young and caring voice.

He turned his head slightly to see a familiar blonde panting as he ran towards him. Yoosung was probably Seven's only friend. He always looked out for Seven, and if he was feeling up to it he would join Seven with his pranks. Yoosung took a seat next to Seven, who was still staring out towards the clouds.

Yoosung blinked. "You're thinking about your timer?"

"It's so annoying, I don't like this timer, I wish I could just get rid of it!" Seven said, clenching his fists into a tight ball.

"That would probably mean getting rid of your hand, as well. I guess that's just life. You just gotta accept the fact that your life has kinda already been decided for you. Who knows? Maybe the girl or guy that happens to be your soulmate isn't that bad at all" Yoosung shone his sun-bright smile.

"That's easy for you to say. You weren't born with this stupid timer, so you wouldn't know how it feels" //Slapped again

"I can guess...?"

It was quiet, except for the chirping of birds and distant chatter of other students. Then Yoosung remembered.

"Ah! Seven! The teacher said we're getting a new student in our class tomorrow"

Seven didn't answer. His timer read: 2days 33 mins and 47 secs. The bell went and the two stood up and headed for class. Seven adjusted his clothes, which was the boys school shirt and pants but he also wore a black and yellow jacket with orange and black head phones around his neck and black and yellow glasses. He arrived in his class with Yoosung and sat down at the very back of his class, where he usually sits. He sighed heavily and awaited for tomorrows events.

~Next Day~

"Good morning class. As I have told you yesterday, we would get a transfer student today, but unfortunately, he or she could not make it today due to reasons. But he or she will be here tomorrow, so just be patient until then" The teacher explained.

A few groans and 'aw's' erupted from the class. Seven didn't care though. He just hoped he or she wouldn't be annoying.

~Next day because it's like 11pm~

The next day came by quickly, as usual Seven arrive a little late, but it seemed like class didn't start yet. Just 5 minutes later the teacher came in and announced.

"Alright class, our new student is here today. Miss L/n, please come inside and introduce yourself."

The door opened up at the front of the class and there appeared a girl with a petite figure. She had h/l that was a h/c. Her e/c eyes seemed to nearly glow. She wore the girls skirt and blouse uniform but instead of the school jackets she wore a f/c jacket. Her hands were buried in her pockets and she stood with a delinquent like pose. She also had a small plaster slapped onto her face. She stood at the front of the class where she introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Y/n L/n, just call me Y/n please."

Seven looked around and saw some of the boys gaping at her. He only looked at her clothes and had to admit, she really did look kinda cute like that.

"Miss Y/n, you can sit at the back next to... Saeyoung. Saeyoung do not cause any trouble or else!" The said and scolded pointing to the redhead at the back of the class.

"Yeah, sure teach" he huffed in annoyance as he didn't like being called by his actual name. "And it's Seven, don't call me Saeyoung"

Y/n's eyes locked with Seven's. That's when time immediately stopped for them. Their wrists burned a little bit. Y/n let out a little yelp as she pulled her hands out of her pockets to check her burning wrist at the same time as Seven. They both watched, as their timers read 0days 0hrs 0mins 0secs and then changed to read each other's name on their wrists. They both looked at each other again and swore.

"You've got to be shitting me..."

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