{Seven x Yoosung} Omurice

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It was Saturday afternoon, Yoosung was deciding what to cook for dinner. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He picked up his incoming call to answer his friend he somehow became fond of.


"Yoosung! I need your help!"

"Seven? What do you need?"
"Gah! My maid hid away all my honey-buddha chips until I eat one proper meal but, I don't know how to cook..."

"Pft! You want me to teach you? Is that it?"

"Just come over! This is already that embarrassing!"

"Alright, alright. Sit tight then"

Yoosung hung up first and sighed.

"I guess I have to get ready to go" he mumbled to himself.

~Timeskip brought to you by the case of the missing HBC~
(I should write one about that lol)

"Say 'I like honey-buddha chips' in Arabic to open the door" The machine said.

"Gr, Saeyoung! Open the door! I can't speak Arabic!" Yoosung yelled.

The door seemed to buzz and soon revealed a familiar red-haired friend. Without a word, Seven yanked on Yoosung's wrist, dragging into his messy house. Yoosung sighed at the messy atmosphere. Honey-Buddha Chip bags and empty cans of Dr Pepper littered the white tiled floors, luckily no stains were found. There were a pair of jeans lying on the green couch.

"Seven, your house is horrible!" Yoosung exclaimed.

"Yeah, sorry about that~ my maid is coming tomorrow to clean it today" Seven said, scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, never mind that" Yoosung then lit up. "I'm gonna teach you omurice"

In the kitchen, Yoosung explained to Seven the simple steps to cooking omurice. As Yoosung cooked the rice, he heard small sniffs and occasional clanks. Yoosung turned to him and saw that Seven was crying.

"Ah! Seven! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah it's just..." Seven wiped his eyes from the burning tears. "ONIONS REALLY DO HURT YOUR EYES!!"

Yoosung giggled and went behind Seven. He took his warm hands in his rather smaller ones and helped him chop the onions.

"For me, I often look up or away from the onions and blink a couple time before going back to business."

Seven felt dumb, he blushed at the warm feeling resting on his hands and the small body pressing up against his back. Soon his whole face turned into the shade of his hair, (I guess you can say he really is a 'red-head' lol) As soon as Seven got the hang of it without crying, Yoosung left to resume his duties. Yoosung was sautéing the onions and chicken while Seven slowly mixed the vegetables into the same pan Yoosung was working in. In the end, the result wasn't as bad. Sure, the plate was messy and didn't have any delightful looks, though Seven thought it tasted marvellous.

"Yoosung, say ah~" Seven said holding a spoon full of the omelette.

"S-Seven!?" Yoosung exclaimed. He sighed, knowing that when it came to Seven there was no way out. Yoosung shut his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Aaaah~" Seven gently popped the spoon in Yoosung's mouth. They both smiled, satisfied with their efforts. The rest of the hour, Yoosung and Seven spent eating their food. Yoosung looked at the clock and gasped.

"It's so late! I need to go home, Seven" Yoosung stood up abruptly, causing him to fall.

He braced himself for the impact, but instead landed on a pair of warm arms. The two looked at each other and blushed at the position they were in.

"Y-Yoosung! Sorry... do you mind s-stay-ing for the night?"

"S-sure, Seven" Yoosung stood and followed Seven.

Yoosung laid on the bed and turned pink when Seven tucked him in. Unexpectedly, Seven laid a soft kiss on Yoosung's forehead. As Seven was about to leave, he was immediately pulled back and got smacked by a big yet gentle kiss on his lips. He smiled in the kiss and then laid beside his possibly new lover. They fell asleep in each-others arms. 

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