{Yoosung x reader} Wings of metal... (Part 1)

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A depressing oneshot that no one asked for ;)

Btw the original idea goes to 3 spooky 5 u on fanfiction.net



It was on the TV, it was in the papers, it was everywhere. And it wouldn't leave him alone

'-This tragic incident occurred just last night. A woman in her twenties was found dead inside a café. According to the witness, followed by proof from the fingerprints on the weapon, the woman had committed suicide. The witness also stated-"

Yoosung switched the TV off, he didn't want to be reminded even more, it didn't do any good though. It was currently the talk of the school, the talk of the town!

He sadly trudged towards his bed and laid on his side while staring at his phone, that had just exploded with messages from his friends group chat.

Yoosung has entered the chatroom

707: You guys saw the news right!?

Zen: Why would she do that though? I heard the witness was still a teen.

707: ikr

Jaehee Kang: I feel sorry for that woman.

Jaehee: but I feel sorrier for the witness. He or she must not have wanted to see that.

Jumin Han: This is really depressing

Jumin Han: It was a suicide too

707: What do you think Yoosung?

Yoosung has left the chatroom

A small flip phone was seen flying across the room and then hitting the smooth walls with a hard crunch, leaving a small dent in it. Yoosung hid his head under his pillow and tried to forget but it just kept on coming back.


Yoosung worked in a café as a waiter, his shift was almost over until he heard the familiar bell ring from the door. In came a woman with wavy brown hair tied half up and half down (No this isn't you/MC), she carried blue ring binder that seemed to be full of papers and plastic pockets.

"Ah, Welcome!" Yoosung called out.

"Hello, I hope I'm not too late. Just wanted to have my last cup of coffee" She said. Yoosung was confused about the 'last cup of coffee' part but he paid no mind to it.

"No, it's fine. What coffee would you like, ma'am?"

"Black coffee, please"

"Alright, ma'am. Is that all?"


Yoosung went into the kitchen and only 3 minutes later, he came back with perfect black coffee. He gently placed the delicate cup onto the table infront of the woman and smiled.

"If you don't mind, can you please sit down with me, keep me company?" She asks with a kind smile.

"Sure, ma'am" Then Yoosung spotted something in her eyes. He knew it all too well. Her eyes were filled with loneliness, sadness and nothingness, just like the eyes he used to have.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Yoosung asked.

"I think so" She says looking out the window for the setting sun and drinking her coffee. "I work as a graphic designer. I want you to take a look at my work and see what you think of it"

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