{Zen x Reader} We can't turn back time

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It had been 1 month since Zen and Y/n's break up. Ever since then, Y/n and Zen had never made the slightest contact with each other. Zen hadn't got through it yet and neither did Y/n, though they didn't know and wondered about each other as well. Y/n hasn't logged onto the chat rooms or on the RFA messenger since then as well. Not only did that hurt Zen, but also the other RFA members. It felt like she died, except she was not Rika (OMG LOL)

Zen picks up his phone and opens the RFA messenger. When he opened the app, he saw a current chat room. he joined the chat hoping to find something good, and to his luck, he did.

[Yoosung, 707, Jaehee Kang, Jumin Han, ZEN]

Yoosung: Everyone is here!

707: Yay!

707: I've got good news!~

707: I found Y/n's social media account

Jumin Han: Social Media?

707: This is her twitter page.

707: >Insert twitter account name<

ZEN has left the chatroom

When Zen left the chat room, he immediately opened up is twitter account and then searched for Y/n's one. Fortunately he found it and followed it, he never knew Y/n had a social media account but thanks to Seven's hacking skills he was able to find you again, even if it was just through the screen. By the looks of it she hasn't been on the account since a week ago. But what was on her account was almost expect-able. It brought back memories that he didn't know whether to forget or not.

There, a post from 2 months ago a photo of Y/n with Zen kissing her cheek, captioned 'I love you, honey!~' He smiled at the photo as it brought tears to his eyes. He remembered the moment like it was just yesterday that they took the photo. The next post was a simple message of 'We broke up' I guess that was when all the comments started coming.

Serves you right! Bitch!

She must have given Zen such a hard time~

Poor Zen

He deserves someone better than you!

Those words stung his heart as it did to Y/n, even though those messages didn't apply to him. He looked at the latest post which made his eyes brighten up a little.

If you are reading this Zen, then i am really sorry. I thought i was only a distraction to you and your work and so i thought it would be the best for us. Unfortunately, we cannot turn back time. Just know that I still love you and i hope you forgive me.

More tears started leaking from his red orbs. Zen threw his phone onto his bed and blinked the tears away. He ran out of the door and called a taxi.

"To >your address< please, hurry"

The taxi driver was already onto it. He got to Y/n's place within 7 minutes time. Stepping out of the taxi, he looked across the street where Y/n's house would be. As the taxi drove away he caught a glimpse of Y/n hugging another man that he was unfamiliar of...

'Had Y/n already moved on...?'

As the man walked away, Zen walked across the street and stood in front of her. a few seconds later had she noticed his presence. She gasped as her e/c eyes became glassy. She opened her mouth to speak but Zen had bet her too it.

"Y/n, I just saw your last twitter post. Seven found your account... Y/n you were never a distraction to me or my job. In fact, you always motivated me to keep on going. Y/n, I understand if you have moved on with another man already but just know that i still love you and I can never be mad at an angel like you..." Zen's eyes started to tear up as well.

"Y-You saw me hug h-him, didn't you?" Y/n said with a soft smile only to receiving a small yet painful nod from Zen.

"Zen, that was my cousin who cane to visit..."

Zen stood there shocked but managed to shake it off. "You said we couldn't turn back time... but maybe we can... carry on? our relationship... please? If you're willing to accept?"

"Zen... you are sure that i'm no bother to you at all...?"

"Never have been and never will"

"Then yes, we can carry on" Y/n said earning a soft chuckle from Zen.

He picked her up with two hands by the waist and twirled her like there was no tomorrow. As Y/n stepped back onto the ground, she cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a renewing kiss. There love had been found again. They continued to kiss until they pulled back, hearing whoops and cheers from the other RFA members that have just arrived on time. Deciding to leave them be, Y/n and Zen pulled each other in for another kiss. From that day, they had rarely left each other's side.

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