Birthday Special!

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Hey there, Beauty Biscuits! Guess who's back?

So, February 28th was my 2 year Wattpad anniversary and I decided to write an extra story to celebrate it a little. I feel a little sad that I decided to end this oneshot book earlier than I thought, so I'll just write a oneshot whenever I feel like it, expect some random updates to this oneshot book.

Enjoy this new chapter and I hope you all have a cool day!


You planned to be out the whole-day, thinking that you should spoil yourself on your lonely birthday since no one in the messenger had been online recently. Nevertheless, you were strolling through the streets with two scoops of your favourite ice cream flavour on top of a waffle cone.

Even though the RFA had been unresponsive of your messages, you informed them all that you'd be out the whole day by yourself just to see if they would care like they usually did... strangely, no one still replied, so you thought 'Oh, they probably just think it's another day, no need to worry'.

It was 1 in the afternoon and you were still unaware of the fact that there was a cat pin attached to your bag, only it wasn't just a cat pin, it was a camera, which of course means that Seven is monitoring you as you go out on your day.

Speaking of the red-head, with his 6 other companions he stood before their necessities scrambled on the table.

"Why are we doing this again?" Yoosung asked.

Seven snapped his head at Yoosung.

"Yoosung, this is her BIRTHDAY! We need to make this by ourselves, that way it will be made purely from our love to her"

"But seriously, no one knows the 'know-how' to create this thing? Jaehee, not even you?" Saeran questioned.

All eyes were on the petite woman. "I haven't made one in a long time, I never have the time to for the past years. I can vaguely remember the instructions"

Jaehee answered in the most unconvincing voice. Seven clapped his hands and exclaimed. He tasked Jaehee with the role of telling everyone what to do while everyone, well, did as they were told.


You sat down in a café by the window. You had a cup of your favourite drink and the café's most popular dish. You had your ears plugged, listening to your favourite song which was the current craze. You stared at the empty seat across when at the corner of your eye, you spot a yellow dress and a hand tapping on the window for you.

"Rika!" You turned and smiled.

The blonde lady waved back and entered the same café. She had a brown bag from her shopping and she dropped it beside her feet. She took the seat across from you and asked you how you were.

'She doesn't remember my birthday either...'

"I'm doing fine, I thought I'd spoil myself today because I felt special" you said with the fakest smile ever. Truth be told, you were hurt.

"Ah, I see. That's good. I was out spoiling myself as well. This café has such a nice atmosphere, it's one of my favourites. I just happened to find you here too" she smiled sweetly.

You hummed in response. You stared out the window with sorrow and emptiness. Your birthday was one of your favourite days of the year, you loved the birthday greetings and you thought no one remembered. You noticed Rika staring at you but you ignored her for now.

Rika knew exactly well why you were feeling this way, she had anticipated it. Wanting to give you the biggest hug with the best birthday gifts and greetings ever, but she had to be patient. As if on cue, Rika's phone rang and she fished it out of her bag and answered.

"...That's great, I'll be there soon... ok, see you then... V, you can't say see you later when you're blin- you know what? Never mind... bye" Rika hung up her conversation.

"Y/n, I have to leave. I hope you have a great day" Rika smiled one of her gorgeous smiles, stands up and leaves.

You were yet again, left alone. You sighed heavily through your nose and your throat tightens up. You stood up and left the café the same way Rika did and headed home with her bags of expensive spoils.

You enter your dark apartment and drop your bags on the floor next to the couch before flop down onto the couch. You buried your face into the pillow to stop tears that were threatening to spill.

'I need some water' you thought. You trudged towards the kitchen and switched on the lights.

Immediately after switching on the lights, you received a huge surprise and not to mention, a heart attack.

"SURPIRSE!" a chorus of unforgettable voices screamed and sung you a happy birthday. You were on the verge of tears; how could I think that my closest friends would forget my birthday?

Rika came to me first and gave me her gift with a smile.

"Happy birthday Y/n!"

"Happy birthday, dearest Y/n!"

"WE MADE YOU A CAKE" Seven yelled and with a huge grin plastered to his face.

You looked at the cat shaped cake that was terribly iced with your favourite colour, the candles acted as whiskers poking out from the sides of the cake and the eyes of the cat were uneven and lopsided. Even so, you loved it.

This was the best surprise by far and you were touched. Ignoring the fact that they broke into your apartment, you just giggled and collected them all for a group hug. You took plenty of pictures and ate a lot, surprisingly the cake was good. You ended the night with karaoke and everyone slept in the living room.

You thought to yourself again that it was wrong to not have faith in your friends, thinking they'd forget your special day. but the lesson was learned and you had the best birthday ever.


Hixtape anyone?

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