{Zen x Jumin} Start of something new...

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(This might be a little cliché but we'll see)

Zen was ANYTHING but ugly and foul. He was the spitting image of Adonis, he was very handsome and attractive. His looks were like a love spell and his talents were flawless. He was like the perfect prince in the snow. He knew all about love and knew every that happens in it. Man, if you didn't know what love was, here is your teacher!~ But such a man, with such gifts, simply wanted nothing but love from a person. Little did he know someone had always tried...

Jumin, on the other hand, was... distant, in a way. He was a strictly professional workaholic, who simply adores nothing but a cat. He desires nothing due to his unlimited wealth and has nothing but the best. He had time to sort out his feelings and he has finally came to a decision to love that one...

Zen had just got back home from his busy schedule. Being the tired man he is now, he collapse almost lifelessly onto his sweet loving bed, engulfing him in warmth. He felt a small vibration on his leg. Reaching in to his coat pocket, he takes out his phone.

"Hello?" he answered tiredly.

"Hello, Zen. You do not sound too well" a deep and concerned voice answered.

"Jumin... nah, I'm just tired. What do you want?" from his face, you can see that Zen was annoyed that he disturbed his peaceful rest.

"I wanted to ask you again for my ca-"

"No! I'm not doing your cat commercial thing again! Do not ever care about my allergies!? Do you not care about my LIFE"

"From what I remember, you have rent to pay. By doing this, you earn more popularity and money"

"Again, it is not about the money, and I have enough to pay off and entire year!"



At an instant, Zen hung up and dashed for the door. On his motorbike, Zen sped off into the distance, heading towards his 'secret place'. Zen felt so frustrated right now, Jumin had not cared about anything but a cat and a couple of bills. Had he even cared for his health once?

Lazily parking, his motorbike on a parking space, he rushes for his spot in the mountains.

Jumin's POV

I really did it this time. All I really wanted was to spend quality time with him. I don't know why, but I have this feeling in my chest for him. Everytime is hear his name, my heart skips a beat. Every time I see his face, I get too flustered and look away. I bring my hands up to my hair and ruffled it in annoyance.

'What is this horrid yet lovely feeling I have inside of me? It's like a firework!'

Knowing that I had upset Zen, I felt a little guilty. I decided to ditch work and head for the mountains, where I first met the albino man. Hoping I would meet him there, I thought, but it was quite a low chance. But too my luck I found him of the very spot we met. I was so happy to see him yet it broke my heart into bits, just seeing him cry there...

"Zen..." I called out.

Zen gasped hearing his name and swiftly wiped his tears. "What do you want...?"

"I never thought I'd see you here... Are you alright...?"

"Do I look alright? Why do you even care? You never thought about anything but your cat..."

"But I care about you..." I whispered to myself. I bowed my head down in shame.

"Jumin..." Zen started, but was cut off.

"Zen... I DO care. At least you're a person that can talk and listen to my problems and understand, unlike a cat, even if you don't care!" I snapped. "I know about your allergy. I care about your health. I just want to spend time to be on friendly terms... maybe even more" the last part I whispered.

"I... didn't know. I'm sorry. I know we haven't exactly been well, friends? Maybe we could try this time"

3rd person POV

Jumin walked closer to Zen and suddenly pulled him into his warm embrace. This shocked Zen, also leaving him speechless. At an instant, Jumin's lips crashed onto his soft ones, surprising Zen even more than he already was. After regaining his mind, Zen pushed Jumin away and placing his hand over his lips, but not wiping it away.

"Jumin! What the heck!?" Zen yelled.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! That was totally uncalled for..." Jumin felt his face heat up. "I shouldn't have done that"

"No!... I actually l-liked it..." Zen turned away, Jumin's head perked up. "C-can we do that a-again?" Zen asked.

Jumin smiled and walked over to Zen for a kiss. It was even more passionate and this time Zen had the courage and strength to kiss him back. Gentle lips brushed one another's very gently yet passionate, in a soft loving motion. Bodies pressed together, arms wrapped around one another. This was the start of a good relationship.

It was the start of something new...


I am sorry for not updating as fast as I can! I have been quite busy and I have a music prom coming up which I need to perform in. please be patient with me and also please request some oneshots. Thanks~

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