{Teen! Zen x Teen! reader} Highschool Sweetie

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Highschool AU

F/n= friends name.

You couldn't concentrate on the lesson the teacher was teaching. Her eyes focused on, and only on the one and only, Hyun Ryu, the most popular and most eye catching boy in the school. Though, everyone calls him Zen. He was your reason for not paying attention in class. He sat right next to you, most of the time you caught each other staring and each other, and in response, you both quickly turn away, and for you to hide a blush. But, you were simply just one of those other girls who fell for him- you were no different from everyone else so why should love you. The class bell suddenly rang, indicating that it was lunch time.

You were packing up a few books until you noticed a presence standing next to your table. You quickly looked up and saw Zen staring at you with a smile. You turned away while feeling heat rise up to your face.

"Hey, Y/n. Where are you gonna be after school?" he asked casually.

"Uhm.. I-I will b-e at the l-library..." you stuttered out. God, why!? "A-anyways, I need to g-get going. It's lunch a-and I want f-food"

You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed out of the classroom leaving a really confused albino boy.

"Gah~ Better luck next time" He said running his hands through his hair, then leaving the classroom.

You sat on the roof of your school next to your best-friend, F/n. You two were talking and eating together like usual.

"Y/n! You need to stop brushing him off like that! Can't you take the hint?" He/She asked.

"What kind of hint?! I keep brushing him off because he might see me b-blush..." You say then look away.

"The hint! He is obviously trying to confess! Look there he is!" He/She points. His/Her hand was then brought down by yours.

"It's rude to point! Why would he be interested in me anyways, F/n... OMG, he is coming this way! What do we do?!"

"What can you do?!"

"Help me, F/n!"

In response, your best-friend pushed you towards him. Then sudden act caused you to fumble with your steps and ended up crashing into Zen's arms. Your best-friend had not anticipated this to happen so, he/she ran away (lol me).

"Z-Zen! I-I'm so sorry! F-F/n pushed m-me!" You stuttered.

"You look beautiful up close, Y/n" He says helping you stand. You felt his soft hands on yours, very warm.

"Thanks. W-well I need to g-go" Your tried to pry your hands away but he held your firm but not tight.


"Y/n, please don't go again..." He muttered loud enough for you to hear. You couldn't see his eyes being covered by his bangs.

"Y/n, please listen to what I have to say. I never get the chance to say anything because you always leave. Do you not like me?"

There was a small pause.

"Listen, You have caught my eye from the first time I've laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one. From all the girls around me you were the one that stood out, beautiful, kind, smart and you smile is just gold. I love you... so please be mine?" He confessed.

You were at lost for words. 'Just say yes!' Your head screamed but no, you didn't respond for a bit. The love of your life had just asked you to be his girlfriend. You finally opened your mouth to say yes but nothing came out. Instead you gently placed your lips on his. His eyes widened in surprise but then pulled you closer to slightly deepen the kiss.



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