{Vanderwood x reader} Cookies

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Okay this may be confusing but this is my best of a Vanderwood oneshot.

2nd person saying = Vanderwood (e.g. Vanderwood said...)

Speech = Mary or Mimi (e.g. "Mary/Mimi, can you helps me?")

Sorry iif it is that confusing, but I wanted to do this since, in my opinion, Vanderwood is a cool character to me. So I guess I wanted to try it out. Enjoy Beauty Biscuits~


There you are, sitting on your soft peach couch, eating freshly baked cookies together with your one and only boyfriend. You two were cuddling while eating your soft, chewy and delightful white chocolate and macadamia cookies. Those were yours and Vanderwood's personal favourite. You began to contemplate on the first thought you had when you met him one day.

'This is so stupid to think of but it gets me! Why is his name Mary?' You began to munch on your 5th cookie. 'I've already confirmed he was a guy, accidently, but why though?'

You subconsciously raised an eyebrow as you swallowed your cookie.

"Is something that matter, love?" He asks as he swallows his cookie as well.

"N-nothing, Mimi~" you assured, introducing the nickname you gave him.

"Alright then" You both reached forwards to grab a cookie, until you felt his fingers brush your fingertips. You two looked down to find that both your fingers was wrapped around the edge of the very last cookie. You both looked up and sent death glares to each other. You both started tugging at the cookie, pulling it left and right.

"I grabbed it first, Mimi... mine!" you started.

"You made uneven numbers, Y/n. plus you ate more than me~" Vanderwood argued back.

"Gr, I did not!"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Yes, you did~"





"No... Fine you have it!" You said letting go of the macadamia cookie.

To Vanderwood's dismay, you had given up. He pouted as you did. A lightbulb appeared in his mind and he grinned. He munches on the last cookie without swallowing and pulls your face close to his. Closing the gap between your lips and his, he carefully slithers his tongue onto your bottom lip, asking for permission of entrance. You could never resist so you happily obliged. Unexpectedly, he transfers half his munch up cookie bits into your mouth. He pulls back and snaked his arm around your waist and smirked, noses touching gently. You blushed at the sudden action while quietly munching the cookie completely. As soon as you swallowed the crumbs in your mouth, Vanderwood returns to capture your lips with a hotter, passionate kiss. Your hands intertwined with his, small and soft moans of pleasure gradually escaping. You decided to tease your 14 month boyfriend, by pulling away from your hot little make-out session. He pouted while you stood.

"If you want more, you gotta catch me, baby~" You chimed and ran off and stood at the door way.

He chuckled and tried to reach for his second half of the last cookie, only to find that it wasn't there. Looking up, he sees you quietly munching on it then running off to the bedroom.

"Hey...! You asked for it then. You're gonna get punishment tonight~" He said to himself, seductively, before running after you.

(Let your imaginations run wild from here)

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