{Jaehee x reader} Glasses

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"Y/n! Get back here!"

Jaehee continuously calls out and you run around your shared house, with Jaehee's glasses and keys in hand. You, being so persistent, wanted Jaehee to stop working so hard and take the day off. Even at home, Jaehee continues her office work, which you found a bit annoying. Around the house, you finally lost Jaehee. You turned into a room and hid underneath the bed. You grinned cheekily as Jaehee steps into the room.

"Where are you Y/n?" she sighs.

"You need to take this day off, Jaehee. For your glasses~"

Jaehee ducks under the bed and became a blushing mess at what she saw first. You giggled as you roll out and stood on the bed. Unfortunately Jaehee couldn't get the picture out of her head. You had only an over-sized sweater and in your underwear.

"Heh, found you" Jaehee pops her head out from under. "Mr. Han will not approve of this though"

You found yourself pinned onto the bed by your girlfriend. You struggled to keep her glasses away as she struggles to overpower you. Jaehee finally grabbed hold of the glasses you held and placed them on her face.

"I win~" Jaehee cheered.

You pouted and, to Jaehee's dismay, you turn away from Jaehee. Jaehee frowned and captured your lips with a small peck. Within the second their lips met, you ended up straddling Jaehee then laying her head onto her chest.

"Y/n, please get off me. I will be late for work!" Jaehee said, struggling underneath.

"No, Jaehee~ I'm not getting off unless you take this day off! You can't reject me!" you chimed, taking off Jaehee's glasses and putting them on yourself.

Jaehee sighed in defeat and started brushing your h/c hair, with her hand. The way she brushed your hair made you more relaxed and the occasional touches on you scalp sent tingles throughout your back.

"I guess I will take a break off work today?"

Y/n's face lit up. "YES!" Y/n then snuggled back onto Jaehee's chest. "Jaehee? I'm hungry, let's share an ice cream~"

"But it's- fine... but can we stay like this a little longer?"

"Of course~"

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