A New Love

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Chapter 1

Bella's POV

A year ago I, being the stupid clumsy human that I was, tried to follow a vampire after he practically broke my heart because back then I still loved him and thought that I would be able to convince him to stay. I ended up going to the hospital for a damn week because when Sam Uley found me hours later I was passed out on the forest floor and developing a bad case of hypothermia.

Now that I'm thinking back on that I want to slap myself so hard for being such an idiot. I had to lay on a hospital bed the whole week because I, apparently, almost died. The worst part was when I found out that Edward, the little shit, forged a note in my handwriting.


"I was worried when you didn't come back in time for diner like your note said," Charlie said.

"What are you talking about dad? I didn't leave a note," I said confused. What the hell is he talking about?

"You left a note on the kitchen table," he said warily handing me a folded piece of paper with my familiar messy writing.


Hey dad. I'm going to go walk with Edward for a while. I'll be back in time for dinner.


I angrily crumpled the piece of paper in my hand and attempted to keep my anger from bursting

"Dad I never wrote this note," I said calmly.

Charlie seemed to turn three shades of purple before taking a deep breath "I'm gonna freakin shoot his butt when I see him," he mumbled.


Ever since that day I've realized that Edward's ass, and the Cullens, are judgmental bastards and I also concluded that Jasper didn't try to kill me on my eighteenth birthday. Everyone saw Jasper lunge at what looked like me but the truth is he was lunging at Edward. Jasper felt Edward's bloodlust skyrocket so he tried to get Eddie away from me. Jasper would never want to hurt me. Besides, I'm Edward's damn singer so of course he would want my blood.

I want to kick all of the Cullens asses for being inconsiderate assholes; Alice for being pushy, Edward for being a control freak, Esme for being too motherly and Carlisle for acting like my damn father. The only genuine people people in that family is Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. Everyone else is too demanding, pushy or whatsoever.

As all these thoughts were in my mind I made myself a simple breakfast with some coffee. It was Saturday and I wasn't planning on going anywhere so I might as well stay in my sweats and socks.

Jasper's POV

How I wish to end that elf's life. Her manipulative ass has been lying to me for the past sixty damn years! I can't believe I didn't see through all her bullshit.

You see, after we left Forks, I found out that Alice and me weren't mates from my long time brother, Peter. After he told me that the little bitch has been manipulating me I got divorce papers and made her sign them. The family found out about this when Alice went screaming around the house about how "unfair" I was. The family wanted me to stay but I told them that I was only there because of Alice. So I packed a bag and now I'm heading back to Forks to apologize to Bella for her birthday party. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

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