Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Bella POV

I blurred forward and grabbed Ella before she hit the floor. I hand her to Jane, who takes her down to the safe area where they could be locked inside a room.

"Alright, let's move!" I bark out and everyone hurries to catch up seeing I wasn't stopping, nor waiting for anyone to come.

We hurried through the halls and some went down elevators, while others took the stairs to make things go quicker. In no time flat we found ourselves outside, standing in front of a pack of newborns ready to fight.

No one moved, we didn't move seeing we weren't going to make the first attack.

The newborns lunged first and I didn't need to say a word. We all lung in.

I grabbed many arms and ripped and tore, yelling and battle cries were all you could here across the field.

The werewolves appeared in two minutes and started helping. It made things go quicker.

I suddenly turned just right that I was looking into a pair of dull red eyes. Three pairs to be exact, and I knew exactly who those vampire were.

My eyes widen slightly in shock, as do the girls before I turn and take out another newborn.

So three of my best friends happen to be in a newborn army that I'm enemies with. But yet, their not fighting. What a coincidence.

In no time flat we had taken the newborns down, along with Victoria. She was just as easy. I swear she had no fighting skills what-so-ever.

Once we had thrown all the dead vampire bodies into the fire, I turn to the bushes.

"Bella, Mady, Cass, you can all come out now!" I called to my best friends.

Hesitantly, they all climbed out and made their way towards our group.

It was an awkward silence for a moment before Mady broke it.

"Nice weather, huh?" She asks. I can't help but burst out laughing.

She sure knew how to make things less weird and awkward.

The four of us pulled into a group hug still laughing.


"Wow, that has got to be the most craziest thing in the world!" I exclaim as the girls finished telling me how Victoria found them all.

"Nope." Says Bella.

"Not kidding." Says Cass.

Cassandra and Isabella both lived in California. I met Cass over a website called Wattpad and Bella was my best friend before she moved away.

Apparently they both were coming to Florida to visit me when Victoria got a hold of them and turned them.

So tragic.

"Well, at least we get to live together forever!" Bella chirps happily.

I smile. "Yep, together forever. Just us, one large happy family." I laugh.


"So, are we going back to high school, or is our career just ruined?" Cass says making us all stop laughing.

We all look at her. Way to break the mood Cass, way to break the mood.


So, I would just like to say, I'm really sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Especially Drowned, but I've been lazy and haven't had any ideas.

Also, I've had FCAT going and then I'm having some EOC shiz going to happen in May, so I have to cram for that.

Anyway, I'm going to try and update some more this weekend.

And, I will not be making a sequel to this. Sorry, I've just got to many books going and it's kinda driving me crazy. I don't know what I was thinking.

But be creative! Make up your own sequels in your head!

A chapter or two to go and then this book is done! Drowning is also near it's end to!!

Follow my other acc-non-twilight related- @DarkWriter_


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