Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bella's POV

Why the heck is Jasper looking at me funny? Why the heck do I want to kiss Jasper? I'm not about to go through another heartbreak, I know Jasper is different but that's not gonna happen. I might end up not talking to him and moving away, now that isn't such a bad idea. I can probably leave when Jasper is hunting. He already apologized for a stupid thing that he didn't do so he shouldn't be hell bent on watching me 24/7, the again I could be wrong.

As I was contemplating on what to do to get out of this wretched town Jasper's phone beeped indicating that he had a message.

He quickly took it out, read the message and looked at me with suspicion .

"What?" I asked.

"Do you hate it here in Forks?" he asked. I forget about how Peter knows shit, curse you Peter Whitlock!

"Well," I said slowly.

"Bella." he scolded.

"Okay gosh, um you could say that I'd like to get away from all the drama." I said.

"You will not go anywhere until Victoria is dealt with. Understand?" he demanded.

"You're not my freakin father so you can't tell me what the frick to do! If I want to leave than I'm gonna leave! Now leave me the frick alone." I exclaimed before running up to my room and slamming my door shut. That felt good but a part of me regrets yelling at him. Oh well, he deserves it after trying to boss me around. I'm not a freaking dog.

Jasper's POV

When Peter texted me that Bella wanted to bolt as soon as I left because she wanted to hide from me I became livid. There's no way in hell she's going anywhere. Unfortunately, I let a little of the Major out and now she's pissed at me. Ordering her around wouldn't do much good since that reminds her of the controlling duo.

The best thing right now it seems is to let her believe that I'm actually leaving her for good but what she won't know is that I'll always be close; keeping an eye on her. No matter where she goes. I will follow her, I wouldn't give a damn if she's mad at me or not.


I wait through the night as I listen to Bella sleep. I wanted to wait till morning to leave to let Bella think I was leaving her for good. Even thou I would follow her around like a hound dog. She thought she was perfectly fine on her own, not realizing Victoria was still out there, waiting for the right moment to strike. Son of a bitch she is.

I hear movement as I realize it's morning and Bella's stirring. I wait patiently as Bella trudges down the stairs already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Not noticing me, she moves to the kitchen making coffee and getting some cereal.

Once done she comes into the living and suddenly stops. Now fully wide awake she takes in my form. She narrows her eyes.

"Your still here." She mutters, plopping down on the couch away from me. No surprise there. I nod.

"Yes but I decided I'm gonna leave. Your right I'm not your father and I can't tell you how to live or what to do." I say. She looks a bit shocked at first, but quickly looks suspicious.

"Really? What's the change in heart?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. I shrug.

"No use in fighting." She scowls.
"You go that right!" She snaps. But I see something that I knew that any kind of Bella in her would have, sadness. She wasn't thrilled 100% at me leaving but she was thrilled enough not to care.

"Speaking of father, where is he?" I ask, suddenly realizing Charlie wasn't here at all. What the heck happened to him? She tenses and purses her lips.

"He when up to Michigan for training. He won't be back for a few weeks." She says. I nod, but can't detect if she's lying or not with all the hatred she's throwing off. Sighing I stand and head toward the door.Walking out I turn back to look at Bella.

"Goodbye Bella." I say. She relaxes a bit but keeps her tense posture.

"Goodbye Jasper." She says before slamming the door.

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