Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Bella POV

And what a long night it was. I wish I could have been able to at least fake sleep or even fall asleep. Honestly, this is why I always hated birthdays, boring and blah, blah, blah. So when it was time for everyone to leave, I was more than happy to help push them out the door and wave a byebye!

Once everyone was gone and out the door I turned to the others and grinned. Time to do some training 'cause the Cullen's are so going to need it. I've seen them try and fight, it's sloppy.

I smiled and clapped my hands. "Alright, follow me." As I turned around I saw everyone frown and look at each other confused.
I lead everyone through series of long and twisty hallways, and down many flights of stairs.

"Can't we just take an elevator?" Alice asked annoyed. I grinned.
"Nope, there broken." I say popping the P.
"Why?" Edward asked just as annoyed. I snorted.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"I do."
"Ok, I broke them." Silence.
"Because I want to annoy you like I am now." I say as I throw open the doors to the training room.

"Oh, I'm gonna-" Alice starts bringing up her fist but Rose steps in front of her pushing her back.
"How bout you try and take me out in here." I say gesturing around to our training room-full of what I might add, weapons!! Yep, honey I'm hooommee!!

They all gawk at the walls full of every type of weapon from around the world. Ya, we're like Fort Knox here, but instead of gold we have weapons!!

"Do we seriously have to train or whatever? Cause I do know how to fight." Alice said annoyed. Edward nods in agreement.
I scowl at that and them, and gesture for everyone but Edward and Alice to move off to the side. I walk to the middle of the room and spin to where I face them.

"Alright, you say you can fight. So, let's see if you can both take me down or if I take both of you down." I say mockingly.

Edward and Alice look at me and then at each other in surprise. After a few minutes they nod and turn toward me.

"Fine, but it's pretty obvious who's gonna win." Alice says smiling evilly.
"Bella-" Jasper starts but Peter stops him by shaking his head and saying "Watch."

"Actually, Alice," I spat. "It is obvious who's gonna win, and it ain't gonna be you." Alice hisses and lunges at me, with Edward quick begin her. This is going to be sooooo much fun.


Unknown POV

I understood nothing here. Me and my friends Isabella and Madeline had been stuck here with loads of other vampires that had been just been changed not to long ago like us. But unlike most, we were under lock and key, all three of us. It was because we had powers and she didn't want us to leave.

I could see a persons, past, present, and future with one touch. Isabella could become invisible and was just starting to be able to turn others and objects invisible. Madeline could trap others in a sort of bubble and crush them with it with her mind.

It was horrifying. We were like her pets. She told us we were going after a coven, a large coven and that we would be bigger than them soon. But she was after one girl, with mahogany hair and golden eyes. Apparently the girls mate killed her mate, and she was out for revenge.

Me and my friends have talked it over, and we kinda feel bad for this girl she's going to try and kill. I mean if she killed her mate it was probably in self defense because I heard you don't ever kill another's mate. Things like this happen.

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