Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Bella POV

Still glaring around 1:30 in the morning Aro decides to speak up.

"As much as this is entertaining Isabella I think we should try and focus on the task at hand." He says.

I glare and growl one last time at Edward and Alice before nodding at Aro, but not bringing my shield down. Peter snickers. Aro sighs.

"Isabella-" He says. I sigh and mutter a fine before dropping my shield and making them fall to the floor with a loud thump.

"Well I'm sure it doesn't involve us, so later." Says Alice dragging Edward with her toward the door.

"Ah, ah, ah." I say as they reach the door. I slam my shield against it, stopping the door from opening. Edward glares at me.

"I think you'll want to hear this Eddie-boy." I say. He frowns and narrows his eyes.
"I think you remember a certain small coven of rogue vampires that came over a hundred years ago when I was human to a baseball field." I say. A couple people flinch in the memory but Edward doesn't move.

"Victorias back and she's after me." I say. Edward snorts.

"She won't come here, with hundreds of vampires around you." He says.

"That's where your wrong!" I snap. "She's coming, with a very large coven of newborn vampires, here to finish what she couldn't last time when she sent Laurent." They look at me confused.

"You weren't there idiots! You had left me remember? Laurent came as a message from Victoria. When he found none of you there he went after me. Luckily Jacob saved me, that shape shifter. But he couldn't save my dad, it's all your fault he's dead!" I spat, venom wells up in my eyes. Everyone including my mom looks shocked.

"But when I visited you-" Jasper starts but I stopped him.

"Well I lied, ok. Laurent got him, he was gone days before you arrived." I say clearing the tears that would never fall from my eyes.

Everyone's silent.

"Come on let's just get this damn party over with." I say, fleeting out the door with Jasper holding Ella close on my heel.

The three masters and mom go first then I go followed by all the Cullen's. I throw open the doors and put on a small, fake smile as I enter, what's going to be a very long night.

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