Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Bella POV

"HEY, SHUT UP!" I yell. Everyone quiets down. "Look, we don't know a hundred precent that's she going to do it. But as stupid as she is, she probably will. So we just have to take precautions and keep and eye on things. We all know how to fight so we should be fine. Besides with me the fight won't last long. OK?!" I ask.

Everyone nods silently and starts talking between each other as I pull Ella back into my lap and take a seat. I glance at Jasper, Peter and Char who are looking at me with slight surprise.

I shake my as a indication I'll explain later. Just can't wait for that long lecture, I think sarcastically. Ella smiles slightly up at me which I return quickly.

"Alright." Aros voice quiets everyone. "As you just heard, we shall be fine. But I think someone should be with Bella and Ella at all times."

"Aro!" I whine. "I'll be fine. Ella's always with me, has never left my sight once. And the Whitlock coven will probably be with me the whole time. It's not I go outside much anyway."

Aro sighs.

"Isabella, it's just precautions. I don't want anything to happen to you." He says. My mom nods in agreement.

"I'm not a child. I promise I'll be fine. Beside I have Peter and his gang following me around." I say, smirking.

Jokingly, Peter puffs his chest out slightly and shows his muscles. Ella laughs quietly. Char smacks him and glares playfully. I roll my eyes.

Aro nods thoughtfully, knowing about their past. Which makes it easier to argue about them to only need them around me at all times.

"Alright, all the time." He says directing it to the Coven. They all nod in agreement.

"Meeting adjured." He says picking up that hammer thing they use at juries and bangs it against the table, smiling. I roll my eyes. Joking around here just keeps things real, even in very serious things like this.


Glaring. This had been going on for 2hours and no one was doing anything about it. Waiting to see the outcome of this war.

Me and the Whitlock's plus Rose and Emmett, have been glaring at Edward and Alice for these 2hours. No one was moving, breathing or blinking. Afraid to break the silence.

It had all started when we left the meeting room to come and see the Cullen's. It was my decision.

I just wanted to talk to them, Rose and Emmett actually. I wanted to know what lies Edward and Alice fed them so they would leave me for the dead.

I'm just lucky my moms with the Volituri or else I probably would have been dead if they found out what they Cullen's did. Of course their not thrilled with the Cullen's but they make sure it doesn't show, only around the others.

Anyway, back to the glaring. It all went something like this.

Two Hours Earlier

After Aro dismissed everyone we all stood and went back to what we were doing.

I decided that I would make a quick visit with the Cullen's. But since Aro wanted the Whitlock's with me and Ella everywhere we went, they had to come also. It wasn't that I was worried about them tagging along, it was them and the Cullen's going at each other.

So once we were all ready we left the meeting room and headed down the corridor. They seemed a bit confused when they realized we weren't going back to my room.

"Where-" Peter started but I silenced him with my hand.

"I'm going to visit the Cullen's real quick. If you don't want to come in then you can just wait outside." I say.

They glance at each other, then Jasper speaks.

"If you go, then we'll go." He says, the others nod in agreement.

"Alright." I say.

We walk for a few more minutes before their door appears. Without pausing or knocking I throw open their doors and glide right in calmly. Like its nothing new. I hear the Whitlock's close behind.

They all snap their heads up in surprise. Emmett and Rose come quickly out of their room to see who's entered with a loud bang.

Alice glares at me.

"You know, their something called knocking!" She snaps.

"Really? I didn't know that. I'll make sure to remember that, just for you, the next time I enter your room unannounced. Don't need to walk in on you and Edward's make out session." I say calmly. A couple people snicker. "But since I am the princess and I am the most powerful vampire alive, I'll do whatever I want. Even if that means dancing around your tombstone singing I told you so, when I kill you." I say, my voice rising an octave. She just sneers at me.

"Bella, when did you become a..a vampire?!" Edwards asks, gawking. I turn my direction toward him and narrow my eyes.

"None of you damn business Cullen." I spat.

"Isa-" He starts, but I cut him off real quick.

"Your not my mother, you can't and won't tell me what the hell I can say and do, I am the most powerful vampire in the world." I say, angrily.
"And for all I care, you and your magic 8ball of a mate can go. to. hell." I say calmly.

What part can he not get? He's more of an idiot than I thought. I swear to the goddess.

Alice glances over my shoulder at Jasper who is holding Ella, and gives a disgusted look.

"What left me and got with some other girl, hook her up and take the child? That's real low Jay." She says.

Me and Jasper growl.

"First, don't ever call me Jay again. Second, the child's not mine, she's Bella's. Lastly, I never hooked up with anyone." Jasper says through gritted teeth. Alice turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"What first Cullen man not good enough for you so you go for the next one available and get pregnant? That's real shallow. Your more of a slut than I thought." She says.

"First of all, his last name is Whitlock. And it's none of your damn business who I get together with and have a child with. I didn't even have the child with him for goddess's sake. I haven't had any contact with him for the past hundred years. So butt off." I yell.

Peter pulls Char and Jasper back quickly as I throw out my shield, making Alice fly into the wall and making it crack. Hmph, ain't my room.

Edward gets up but before he can move I fling him into the wall with Alice.

"What the hell, Bella!" He yells.

"Language Eddie." I spat. "Payback for leaving me in the forest for the dead you moron!"

Emmett and Rose gasp slightly and glare at him. Rose goes to scratch Edwards eyes out but Emmett quickly grabs ahold of her, still glaring.

Now everyone's glaring at each other while Carlisle and Esme stand to the side shocked. Also most of the Volituri have come to see the entertainment. I swear if they had, had popcorn, this could have been a play.

So now here we are 2hours later glaring at each other while everyone else watches us. It's never a normal day in the Volituri.

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