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"Cass!" I hissed. "I told you! Hold your breath! Your the one who didn't want to work at Disney!" I snapped as Cassie gagged while pouring coffee for a customer.

Cassie obeyed and held her breath as she caped the coffee and handed it to the awaiting customer. She smiled at the lady and took the needed amount of cash. While the lady walked away, she shoved the money in the cash register and sighed.

"This is like torture! We should have just stayed with the Volturi!" Cassie whines as she moves to clean the counter top.

"Your the one who wanted to finish high school." I point out making Cassie groan.

"And it was probably one of the most worst mistakes of my life!" She cries out dramatically making me smile.

The door to the coffe shop opens with a jingle and Ella comes bounding in, soon followed by Ana, a vampire we found.

"Mommy!" Ella yells as she throws herself over the counter top making Cassie scowl, and hurries over to me.

"What now?" I ask quirking an eyebrow as I look between both eighteen year old girls.

Ana pretends to look anywhere but me and Ella glares at her.

"She's trying to bite me again!" Ella whines, still glaring at Ana.

"Ana! What have I told you about biting?!" I snapped and Ana grinned at me.

"I'm just playing, you should know that by now mom." Ana says as she throws herself onto one of the stools.

I shake my head. "Can I have an iced latte, Aunt Cass." Ella says as she takes as seat next to me.

Cassie nods and holds her breath as she heads to the back to get the thing made.

"So how was your last day of school?" I ask glancing at the girls. The grin evilly.

"It was horrible and awesome at the same time." They say together.

I give them a look. "What did you-" The coffee shop doors bang open cutting me off. Emmett and Jasper stroll into the shop and come stand to where we sit. I quirk an eyebrow.

"What did you guys do this time? I'm not gonna have to bail anyone out again am I?" I ask cautiously. They all grin.

Jasper throws his arm around my shoulder pulling me close and gives me a kiss on my head as Emmett pouts. "You have no faith in us Bella dear." He says trying to sound posh. I shake my head.

"I might have a little faith if I hadn't needed to bail all four of you out of jail because you set a paint ballon bomb in the school." I say.

"Ditto." Cassie agrees as she comes back with Ella's latte. "The school looked like a rainbow for months!" She exclaims.

Jasper sighs. "Don't worry. It's just eggs at cars, dyes in the toilet, and and an extreme paint ballon dropped on the school." He says patting my shoulder.

I about fell out of my chair. I felt the color drain from my face and glared at the girls. "Your both grounded for a month." I exclaim.

Both girls looked just as surprised a I did. "But mom! We didn't do the paint thing! What the hell Emmett, Jasper?!" Ella screeches.

Emmett shrugs. "When you rebel, you gotta rebel." He says smiling.

I groaned and then the doors of the coffee shop flew open and the FBI came flying in. They held out their guns and pointed them at the traitors.

"Put your hands up!" One of them yelled. Both guys and girls put their hands up and did the usual routine.

I groaned again and looked at Cassie. "Cass, better start counting those bills. We're gonna need 'em." I say as she pulls out her wallet and starts counting.

A shadow falls over us and Mady enters in her Disney attire followed by Bella. They take in the scene and glance at us.

"Again?" Mady asks.

I nod. "Again."

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