Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Bella POV

After I beat the guy up I got back in my truck and the line started moving. The guy gave me a couple bruises but it's nothing to fuss about.

I felt like I was being watched again but it might have been because Mercedes guy was giving me death glares but this didn't feel like him. Besides, I think he was to busy yelling at his poor lawyer.

So I hit it. I started swerving in and out, between cars. I also hit the gas pretty hard and I'm gonna have to get some more, saying my truck even survives what I'm pushing it to do.

Finally, I make it into town and don't feel like I'm being watched anymore. I probably would have beat the guy up. Unless it was Victoria but she couldn't know I was in Italy. Could she?

Of course she could. She's like the master mind of evil. Little b!tch.

I see a sigh the points to the direction of Volituri and turn right. I still can't help but wonder why Volituri sounds so familiar to me. I think it was something Edward told me. Huh, I missed some of the Cullen's actually. It was nice having some of them around. Like I said, some.

Ugh, whatever. Their gone and I'm on some godforsaken road to Italy.

5minutes Later

Ok, so I was doing pretty good. I was about a block away from the address my mom gave me. Right, it felt like miles to go on the freakin endless roads.

Whenever I get there I might strangle my mom and yell at her asking what the heck she was thinking! I mean Italy. Sure it's pretty sunny here sometimes but I thought she really liked it in Florida. That's probably the most sunny place I know except for Texas maybe.

Texas. That's where Jasper lived. And his know it all friend and his mate. I might have to visit Texas one day just so I can strangle the heck outta Mr. Know it all. That will be one hilarious sight.

I can't help but wonder, whatever happened to Jasper. I mean he said he was leaving but he never said where he was going. He probably went to Texas to live with his brother or something and become the Whitlock coven or something.

I take a turn and vala! Volituri, Italy. Now all I had to do is find the house.

I looked around as I tried to find the house. The place was actually amazing. Just like the beautiful pictures my mom would send me once a month or so. She sometimes send postcards to.

I assumed she live in an apartment or a building with more than one floor. Hence all the high views she takes the pictures of. I shake my head. Where the heck is her dang house.

Oh! What the heck.

I pulled over into the alley and park my truck. Ya, the alley. My mom is living in what must be some castle.

I step out and walk around and up the stairs and into Volituri. Two people in black cloaks step out. My eyes widen a bit when they flick back their cloaks. Reveling their red eyes.

"Crap. What the heck is my mom doing with the Volituri?" I mutter. But of course they heard me.

"Who are you?" The short blond haired vampire asked. I swallowed.

"Isabella Swan. I'm looking for my mom, Renee Dwyer. She gave me this address." I say, pulling the paper I wrote the address on and reach it out to her. She blurs over and grabs it, eyeing it.

"Isabella. We've been expecting you." She says. I have no idea if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"Follow us." She says.

She and the guy move quickly and I run to catch up. We go down flights of stairs and down an elevator. We pass a human lady at the desk who lightly greets us. I can't help but wonder if their going to change her, or kill her.

She pushes open the doors and they open quietly. She walks to the three vampires that are seated in thrones, all with long hair. I remember the middle one is called Aro, to his left is Marcus and to his right is Caius.

The blond vampire walks up to Aro and reaches out her hand. Aro takes her hand and looks thoughtful for a moment. He laughs a childish laugh and let's go of her hand and looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Isabella, so wonderful to finally meet you." I frown.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met. I know you, you know me. But I've never met you." I say. He smiles.

"Renee." He calls.

Out steps my mom in a flowing red gown with spaghetti straps and red heels. She wears a black coat like the leaders, darker than the others and has the Volituri crest necklace.


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