Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Bella POV

It wasn't that hard to take out Edward and Alice. Alice was angry, and when a vampire is angry they fight sloppy. Edward couldn't read my mind and he wasn't a great fighter so he was just as easy.

At first I messed with them, played a bit and let them think they were winning. All you gotta do is mess with their emotions and confidence a bit and BAM! Their down faster than a person tripping on a rock.

So as soon as I saw the confidence and smugness shine in their eyes, I crushed all their hopes and dreams like a rock.
Like my silly 7th grade art teacher said when a kid dropped his art sculpture thing, "That's all you hopes and dreams, shattered like that."
Of course, he was only kidding and was one of my favorite teachers. If only he was still alive. He always talked so negatively of the world and talked about world domination. And invading Canada and the Bahamas.

Absolutely priceless moments. To bad he was only kidding. Loads of kids were ready, and I would love to be involved with that. Instead I'm fighting two moronic vampires and getting ready for some stupid war with the freak Victoria because Freakward had to kill her mate!

I suddenly turn invisible surprising them both and a lot of others.

I hardly ever used gifts that had been copied because when the gift is copied, I can't stop or get rid of it. It just happens and I can't do anything about it. I never really wanted all these powers that I have, but they do come in handy sometimes. I usually only use my shields for the most part.

I stayed invisible and in front of them for a moment, watching them. They looked at each shocked and frowned, frantically looking everywhere.

Ella laughed and Jasper smiled slightly at her as others snickered. I grinned and made myself be heard, er, felt.
I took Edward first, kickin where the sun don't shine and punching him in the face, with a loud crack ringing out, making him fly back a few feet and cry out it pain.

I smile and move toward Alice. She looks at Edward, than around frantically. She seemed paler than usual and frightened.
I just moved over some more and kicked my leg out low, swiping her legs out from under her and making her fall with a cry of surprise.

I blur over and kick her from the side. I think I crack a rib as I kick her and make her fly over, knocking into Edward who was just able to stand. They both fall down like a pair of dominos and I become visible.

Ella laughs, Peter and Char cheer, others snicker or laugh, and Esme and Carlisle look slightly worried. That figures. No matter what the painful heaps of vampires on the floor do, they'll always be the special children. I sneer in my head at that thought and head over to the crowd.

"AWESOME!!! About time those devil freaks learned a lesson. Thou I could have taken them out perfectly also." Peter says smirking as he cracks his knuckles. Thank god we don't get arthritis.

"Sure ya could have Peter." I say sarcastically.

"Yaw, jut got owed Pet." Ella says giggling. Peter glares at her.

"I don't care how old ya may be shrimp, but I'm gonna-" Peter starts swinging his fist. I reach over and slap him before Char can even move and smirk.

"You deserved that. Don't ever threaten my daughter, and you better care. She's three, I'm a hundred and nineteen. I will kill you if you even look at her in a threatening way. Got it?" I ask glaring at him.

Which he returns and humphs. "Fine." He mutters.

I nod and grin. "Hey! Are we gonna be able to learn that or are we just French toast?" Emmett ask as the others come closer. Edward and Alice still in a painful pile to the side.

I hmm and think for a minute. "Why don't we come back in 10 minutes after Edward and Alice have been taken somewhere else? I must talk with Aro for a moment so Ella can show you around and get acquainted with guards you've never met or something." I say as I make my way toward the door.

"Kay!" Ella says excitedly and leads them after me to take their little tour. For now I must consult with Aro, for something bad was brewing and Ella and I were 100% sure it was a death sentence for everyone. Humans and vampires alike.


Unknown POV

How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Centuries? I didn't know, I hadn't been keeping track. None of us had. But I was pretty sure it had been weeks, maybe a month or two.
I wasn't even sure what day it was, or whether it was sunlight or dark. She kept us locked up, away from the others. We were privately trained and only fed once a week.

But we were monitored 24/7. It was practically killing us! We did have room to move, but there was three of us so there wasn't much. Most days we were sitting criss cross, and played hand games, or leaf cards that we had made from leaves we had collected during hunting trips.

It just kept getting scarier as each day went on. We heard screams and cries for pleas up in the compound. It would only result in her cackling in laughter and the vampires being ripped apart. The ripping sounded like nails down a chalk board. It was sickening. How could someone this crazy, be so evil and sadistic? Oh wait, she could.

Me, Mady, and Bella were either going to die here and together. Or die fighting together. Either way, we were going to die together. We made a promise to stay together, and we had been trying to come up with some type of escape plan. But we just figured it be easier to run during the fight.
Her attention would be focused on the golden eyed one, not us. It would be easy, saying we all lived through this hell we were in now. God, how much more could we take? Any of us?

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